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If your user account is in the sudoers file, then you can use APT to install Samba as root.

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Q: How would you use the advanced package to install samba if you are not logged in as root?
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Can access Linux from XP through samba but cant acces XP from Linux?

Make sure that you have installed the Samba client package on your system.

Is Samba part of the Linux kernel?

No. It's a package. It certainly depends on parts of the kernel such as the network stack etc

What is a samba band?

Samba drums come from Brazil. Congas do not come from Brazil and are not samba drums. Samba drums include surdos, caixas, repiniques, chocalhos, ganzas, repiniques, agogos, pandeiros and cuicas. You can find out more about all of these by clicking on the related link below.

What types of music have been influenced by samba?

True samba is from Rio de Janeiro and some styles are samba enredo, pagode. People outside Brazil tend to call all Brazilian music samba though. Other styles that foreigners call samba include Maracatu, samba reggae, and samba funk.

Who wrights samba?

samba bands

Where did samba origonate?

Samba originated in Brazil.

How are files shared between users in Unix and Windows?

The samba software package implements the netbios protocol which is used by Microsoft Windows Lan Manager under TCP/IP to share files. Samba is open software and available free for non-windows platforms such as linux, unix and OpenVMS. Properly configuring samba makes Unix folders appear as shared folders on a Windows system.

What is a samba singer?

A samba singer is someone who sings sambas. Sambas are the name for samba songs, and samba songs are a type of music with a distinctive rhythm (also called the samba) and dance (ALSO called the samba!), originating form Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Is Samba a weapon?

no samba isn't a weapon, it is a style of music. no samba isn't a weapon, it is a style of music.

What is the birth name of Samba Kosak?

Samba Kosak's birth name is Samba Gaetani Lovatelli d'Aragona.

Do they dance the samba in Mexico?

No. Samba is a Brazilian dance.

How do you restrict ip connecting to samba in Linux?

You can do that by editing the iptables. But its difficult to do that. So, install any firewall. firestarter is one among them.