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EDIT: A shorter way to write it is MIM

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Q: How would you write 1999 in roman numerals?
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How do you write 11 15 1999 in roman numerals?

15th November, 1999 is XV. XI. MCMXCIX in Roman numerals.

How do you write the year 1999 in Roman numerals?


How do you write in roman 1999?

Under today's rules now governing the Roman numeral system the equivalent of 1999 in Roman numerals are MCMXCIX but the ancient Romans would have notated them quite differently.

HOW do you write July 3 1999 in roman numerals?

July 3 1999Improved Answer:-In today's notation it is: VII-III-MCMXCIXNote that today we write out 1999 in Roman numerals as MCMXCIX but the Romans themselves would have worked it out on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and by placing I to both sides of these numerals probably simplified it to IMM (-1+2000=1999) in written form.

What is the number 1999 in Roman numerals?

The number 1999 in Roman numerals is MCMXCIX

Write 1999 in Roman Numerals?

MCMXCIXMIM (Should work as well, and easier to write)Improved Answer:-In accordance with the rules governing the Roman numeral system made during the Middle Ages and centuries after the Romans had left England 1999 in Roman numerals is considered to be MCMXCIX.But there is strong evidence to support the fact that the Romans themselves would have probably calculated 1999 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and by placing I to both sides of these numerals would have simplified them to IMM (-1+2000 = 1999) in written form.

What are roman numerals for November 1999?

it would be november,MCMXCIX

Are the roman numerals the same we use today?

Yes the numerals have the same values as in the times of the Romans but today they are calculated differently in the way that the Romans actually did themselves. For example today we would write out 1999 in Roman numerals as MCMXCIX but the Romans probably wrote it out simply as IMM (-1+2000 = 1999)

What is 1999 minus 1910 in Roman numerals?

Expressed in Roman numerals, 1999 - 1910 is equal to LXXXIX.

How do you work out 1776 plus 1999 in Roman numerals giving reasons for your answer?

Today we write out 1999 in Roman numerals as MCMXCIX because of changes made to the rules governing the Roman numeral system during the Middle Ages and to add these numerals to MDCCLXXVI is almost impossible. But the Romans themselves would have calculated 1999 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and probably simplified them to IMM by placing I to both sides of the numerals. So: MDCCLXXVI + (-I+MM) = MMMDCCLXXV (3775)

How are roman numerals written?

The way we write out Roman numerals today differs in many respects to how the Romans actually did themselves for example today we would convert 1999 into Roman numerals as MCMXCIX but there is evidence to suggest that the Romans would have simply wrote it out as IMM (2000-1) Roman numerals: M=100, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

What is the Roman Numerals for 07-01-1999?

The Roman numerals for 07-01-1999 are VII-I-MCMXCIX.