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Transferring the file through ssh would keep it secure. There are many options; A few examples are listed below. Run 'man <program name>' for the full program manual.

sftp - secure file transfer program

$ sftp user@host:.bashrc ~/.

rsync - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool

$ rsync user@host:.bashrc ~/.

scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)

$ scp user@host:.bashrc ~/.

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Q: How would you write a command which would securely copy your bashrc file from a remote computer to your home directory on your local computer?
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scp 1@bravo:2 3 where 1 is username which is allowed to read copied file on bravo; 2 is the full path on bravo to the copied file (relative path defaults to user's home directory on bravo); 3 is the path on local system to store the copied file (or, a dot, to have it stored into current directory, preserving the name of copied file).

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