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Q: How yak is adapted to live in mountain region?
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On which mountain range does the tibetan yak live?

the Himalayan region of Central Acia

Where does a wild yak live?

Wild yaks live in the Tibetian plateau in Tibet and in the Himalayan mountain region of Central Asia. Yaks are similar to oxen, but they are not domesticated animals.

In which mountain range does a Tibetan yak live?

Tibetan Plateau

What type of habitat did wild yak live in?

Polar region

What is the future of yaks that live in the ladak region?

Report on future of yak

Which is country where yak is live?

The Himalayan Region of Central Asia, Mongolia and the Tibetian Plateau

Where can you find pictures of a yak?

In the Ladakh region of the Himalayan mountain or go on a search engine for a picture as you asked for.

Is the yak the animal higher than any other mountain animals?

Yes. The yak is the animal higher than any other mountain animals.

How has a yak adapted to its envorment?

by there fur that keeps them warm and there horns that they use for defense

Is Yak is well adapted to live in its habitat?

Of course! If not, it would have most likely migrated to a new habitated that it was well suited for. A few examples of adaption on the Yak is it's great fur coat, horns for protection from predators, and massive hooves for the snow.

Where does a tibetan yak live?

You answered youw own question - in Tibet, on the Plateau, as well as the Himalayan region of south Central Asia

What are the adaptations of the yak?

Some of the adaptations of a yak are:The yak's mouth is adapted for grazing a variety of plants.The yak's thick coat of hair protects the yak from cold.The yak's large chest and lungs are adaptations to low oxygen contents in the mountains.The yak uses its hooves and horns to break the ice from frozen ground and graze on the grass below.