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You can NOT calculate density because it is a property; besides that, it is depending on concentration, solvent, and temperature. (Actually it also depends on pressure but not very significantly)

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2w ago

To calculate the weight of 1 liter of acetic acid (density = 1.049 g/mL at 20°C), you would multiply the density by the volume.

Weight = density * volume Weight = 1.049 g/mL * 1000 mL = 1049 grams

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Q: How you calculate the weight of 1 liter of acetic acid?
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What is the common percent weight of acetic acid in vinegar?

The common percent weight of acetic acid in vinegar is typically around 5-7%. This concentration gives vinegar its characteristic sour taste and acidity.

What is the 1M acetic acid?

1M acetic acid refers to a solution where the concentration of acetic acid is 1 mole per liter of solution. This solution would be considered a moderately concentrated solution of acetic acid.

Calculate pH of 1.0 m acetic acid?

The pH of a 1.0 M acetic acid solution is approximately 2.88. Acetic acid is a weak acid so it partially ionizes in water, resulting in the release of hydronium ions which lower the pH of the solution.

how to prepare 0.1 N Glacial acetic acid solution?

To prepare a 0.1 N glacial acetic acid solution, calculate the required mass by multiplying 0.1 moles by the molar mass of glacial acetic acid (60.05 g/mol). Weigh out the calculated mass and add it to a clean container. Dissolve the glacial acetic acid completely by stirring it with distilled water. Transfer the solution to a 1-liter volumetric flask and dilute it to the 1-liter mark with distilled water. Mix thoroughly, label, and store the solution properly, taking necessary safety precautions when handling glacial acetic acid.

What is the weight of 10 percent acetic acid?

The weight of 10 percent acetic acid solution would depend on the total volume of the solution. For example, if you have 100 grams of a 10 percent acetic acid solution, it would contain 10 grams of acetic acid.

Is acetic acid anything like acetic acid?

Yes, acetic acid and acetic acid are the same compound. Acetic acid is a colorless liquid organic compound also known as ethanoic acid, and its common name is vinegar when diluted in water.

What is the mole in CH3COOH?

The mole of acetic acid (CH3COOH) is 60.05 grams/mol.

How do you make glacial acetic acid into a 6 percent solution?

To make a 6% solution of glacial acetic acid, you would mix 6 parts of glacial acetic acid with 94 parts of water. For example, you could mix 6 mL of glacial acetic acid with 94 mL of water to make 100 mL of a 6% solution. Remember to always add the acid to water slowly and with stirring to avoid splashing.

What acid is in the vinegar?

Vinegar contains about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water and flavourings.

How do you prepare a solution that is 5000 PPM acetic acid?

To prepare a 5000 PPM (parts per million) acetic acid solution, you would need to dissolve a specific amount of acetic acid (in grams) in a known volume of water (in liters). The formula to calculate the amount of acetic acid needed is: Mass of acetic acid (g) = volume of solution (L) x desired concentration (PPM) / 1000000.

Is Acetic acid is strong acid or base?

Acetic acid is a weak acid. It is a carboxylic acid that dissociates partially in solution to release hydrogen ions.

How do you prepare 1N citric acid?

To prepare 1N citric acid solution, dissolve 192.13 g of anhydrous citric acid in distilled water and dilute to 1 liter. This will give you a 1N (normal) solution of citric acid. Be sure to wear appropriate PPE and handle citric acid with care as it is a corrosive substance.