

Humans Born with sharp teeth

Updated: 11/12/2022
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9y ago

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Humans are not born with sharp teeth. However, it is possible for a baby to be born with natal teeth, meaning a tooth or two has already pushed through the gums while the baby was in-utero. This condition is fairly common, occurring in 1 out of every 10 births.

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because they have sharp teeth that can kill us (humans).

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Sharp teeth are for eating meat, flat teeth are for eating plants, vegetables, etc. Ex: Canine teeth on humans are for meat, molar teeth are for plants

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Humans are born without teeth.

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Puppies always have sharp teeth. They will eventually lose these, and they will be replaced by blunter adult teeth. Dog jaws are built for crushing, so there is no disadvantage to blunter teeth.

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no their teeth are not sharp

What are sharp teeth?

Sharp teeth are just teeth (the things in your mouth that you chew with) that are sharp or pointy.

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Their molars can be quite sharp.

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There are two types of sharp cutting teeth. The first is the Canine (a.k.a. cuspid) and the second is the premolar. However, the canine is the most commonly referred to as the cutting tooth.

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the carnivore has sharp teeth and the herbivore has dull teeth. the omnivore has sharp teeth and dull teeth.