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Most hurricanes blow themselves out over land, although some move back out to sea.

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Q: Hurricanes eventually move back out to sea and blow themselves out?
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Related questions

Where do hurricanes mostly occur on land?

Hurricanes do not occur on land. They are only water storms and blow into land.

How bad can hurricanes become?

Hurricanes can blow you're trees away and wrip you're homes away to detah and you can die really easily!

What type of winds blow hurricanes across the Atlantic ocean?

Trade Winds.

Why are hurricanes so devastating?

Cause they can Blow Houses and Windows and Bulidings and Kill people.

What principle explains why a hurricanes can blow a roof off of a house?

Because of Pascal's principle

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No, because he is coughing and would cough what ever is blocking his away out eventually

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Eventually blow out

Are there hurricanes in Florida?

Yes. Florida has quite a history with hurricanes. Because it is near the tropics and westerly winds blow off the African coasts along the equator, Florida is vulnerable.

Are hurricanes cool?

NO! i have been in 5 and it may sound cool but when your roof is caving in and your windows are about to blow out,ITS NOT COOL!!!!

How do the wind and ocean distribute heat on earths surface?

when the winds eventually blow over the land, they moderate the temperature of the air over the land.

What does hurricanes have?

hurricanes can have very strong winds. it can blow a person away. it can damage a lot of things. it can cause a major amount of flooding and it can cause tsunamis. if it happens where you live, good luck knowing you.

How do you get the sticky bombs to blow up in the ballad of gay tony?

they blow up eventually in about 1 minute i think