

Husband's that stay in a relationship while cheating?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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This man has an underlying problem(s) that he is not dealing with and will continue to make foolish choices until he chooses to pursue resolution; he has to want this himself. He stays because he won't deal with it.

This man entered into the marriage under false pretenses; he was fooling himself, he was fooling his wife, probably both.

This man is the one with the problem(s), he is the only one who can do anything about it. The real choice of the wife is to decide: do you think that he is capable of dealing with himself; are you willing to put up with him until (if ever) he does; can you do more with your life than enduring a constant battering of your self esteem.

The problem is his, the choices are the wife's.

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Q: Husband's that stay in a relationship while cheating?
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