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In the tablet compression machine main principle is compressing the upper & lower puch in a die hole . the hydraulic pressure plays a key role if we increase the hydra. pressue more compressing force on tablet then it becomes more hard.

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Q: Hydraulic pressure on tablet compression machine but in result gain hardness on tablet how the pressure is converted into hardness unit?
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What is tablet hardness and friability?

what is the tblet hardness,what is its unit ,we aply hydraulic pressure on tablet compression mchine but in result we gain hardness on tablet,how the pressure is converted into hardness unit. Friability refers to the ability of the compressed tablet to avoid fracture and breaking apart during transport.

When do companies use a hydraulic shop press?

A hydraulic shop press is used to generate compression energy. It uses the Brahma press. This is created after the toilet. This was used with immense water pressure.

What does a hydraulic pressure regulator do?

Regulates hydraulic pressure at a predetermined pressure setting so not to cause damage to hydraulic system.

How do you build pressure in hydraulic lines?

Pressure by the hydraulic pump is made​​.

How is pressure in a hydraulic system generated?

The pump in a hydraulic system forces fluid out and that creates pressure

What actually creates torque in a hydraulic motor?

Torque hydraulic motors is done by oil pressure and oil pressure is caused by the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pumps produce higher pressure gets too much torque.

What causes pressure in a hydraulic system?

Hydraulic pump that produces pressure in a hydraulic system. It takes energy to pump the electric motor or engine mechanical.

What is the difference between compression and contraction?

Don't know if you are talking medical, mechanical or data compression. Contraction is when pressure is applied from outside, around an object. Muscles can contract to force a baby to be born or can cause a spasm. A strap can be tightened around something. Compression is pressure applied usually DICK in one direction, can be from all around like deep water compression. A vice can apply compression by tightening the jaws. A hydraulic press compresses items. Your spine can be damaged by compression, by too much pressure on your back which causes a compression fracture of the vertabra.

Why hydraulic breaks known as hydraulic?

Because they are actuated by fluid pressure, rather than pneumatic (air) pressure.

Where is highest pressure in hydraulic pump?

At the pressure regulator.

Why hydraulic oil incompressible?

it is the property of the liquids. all the liquids are incompressible. this is because the change in volume due to pressure is negligible for liquids. in liquids the molecules are almost compact and hence no space for compression.

Explain how hydraulic pressure is maintained in a hydraulic system?

A power source - such as a combustion engine or electric motor - mechanically actuates a pump which pushes hydraulic fluid through it. This maintains pressure in the hydraulic system.