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A hydrogen or fusion bomb will be ten times more powerful than the original fission atomic bomb.

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A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, is more powerful than an atomic bomb. It relies on nuclear fusion, where atoms are combined, to release immense amounts of energy. In comparison, an atomic bomb uses nuclear fission, where atoms are split, to generate explosive energy.

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What is the equivalent amount of radiation released by chernoboyl compared compared to the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima?

The Chernobyl disaster released around 400 times more radiation than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The explosion exposed millions of people to radiation and had widespread environmental consequences compared to the more localized impact of the atomic bomb.

What is the most powerful type of nuclear bomb?

The most powerful type of nuclear bomb is the hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb. These bombs use a two-stage process, with an initial fission reaction triggering a fusion reaction, resulting in a much larger explosion compared to atomic bombs.

What is the hydrogren bomb?

A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, is a type of nuclear weapon that releases energy through the fusion of hydrogen isotopes. It is more powerful than atomic bombs, which rely on fission reactions. Hydrogen bombs are capable of causing massive destruction and are considered to be among the most powerful weapons in existence.

What type of reaction does the hydrogen bomb use?

The hydrogen bomb uses nuclear fusion, a reaction in which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. This differs from nuclear fission, which is the process used in atomic bombs where heavy atomic nuclei are split into lighter ones.

Why did Truman order the atomic energy commission to produce a hydrogen bomb?

Truman ordered the production of a hydrogen bomb as a response to the Soviet Union developing their own atomic bomb. He wanted to ensure that the United States maintained a strategic advantage in nuclear weapons during the Cold War.

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What is an 8 letter word that starts with an H and has to do with atomic?

Hydrogen is probably the word. Hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb...

How was a more powerful bomb than the A bomb used in hiroshima?

The hydrogen was strongest compared to the atomic bombs use in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at almost 10 times.

What new bomb was made after the atomic bomb by the us?

The hydrogen bomb.

What is stronger between the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb?

In general, a fusion bomb (hydrogen bomb) is more powerful than a fission (atomic) bomb. Fusion bombs use an atomic bomb to begin the fusion reaction.

What is the world's largest bomb?

In WW2 it was the Atomic bomb today it is the Hydrogen bomb.

Briefly explain how a hydrogen bomb works and how its differs from an atom bomb?

A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, utilizes the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to generate an immensely powerful explosion. This fusion reaction releases a significantly larger amount of energy compared to the fission reaction in an atomic bomb. The hydrogen bomb is much more destructive and has a higher yield than an atomic bomb due to its ability to trigger a secondary fusion reaction.

Did the US develop the Hydrogen bomb or the Atomic bomb?

Yes, both.

What is the fuse for hydrogen bomb?

An Atomic bomb is the detonator for a Hydrogen bomb to create enough heat for the fission - fusion chain reaction.

What weapon was first tested in 1952?

The hydrogen bomb was first tested in 1952 by the United States in a test known as "Ivy Mike." This bomb utilized nuclear fusion to release a significantly more powerful explosion compared to atomic bombs.

Which is most powerful a nuke an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

An H-Bomb is 1000 times stronger than an atomic bomb. Atomic explosions are based on splitting atoms and is a fission explosion or fission bomb. The Hydrogen bomb (also called H-Bomb) is a Fusion reaction where atoms are forced together. Atomic bombs were used in World War II, Hydrogen bombs have been tested, but not used in war.

What bomb did both US and the soviet union try to invent?

atomic bomb or the hydrogen bomb

What was the name of the atomic bomb from the tv show lost?

It was a hydrogen bomb - Jughead.