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Spotting after a pap smear is common, particularly during pregnancy. All bleeding during pregnancy should be discussed with your health care provider.

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Q: I'm 12 weeks pregnant and had a pap smear then started bleeding What is wrong?
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Can i be pregnant if my period started two weeks early?

Could be implantation bleeding. If it is your actual period then it's unlikely that you are pregnant.

You are 12 weeks pregnant and have implantation bleeding why?

If you are 12 weeks pregnant, it is not implantation bleeding. Consult your doctor right away.

Are you going to miscarry if you are 4 weeks pregnant and started bleeding?

You should contact your doctor right away to prevent miscarriage.

I am spotting after a pap smear while 11 weeks pregnant?

Spotting five days after a pap smear is not related to the pap smear. If the spotting continues, if you're pregnant, or if you have other symptoms, contact your health care provider.

How many weeks pregnant does implantation bleeding occur?

4 weeks

Can i be 6 weeks late of your period just started very light bleeding maybe pregnant?

yes maybe, it depends how routinely it occurs

You are 5 weeks pregnant and had a pap done yesterday and now am having a brownish discharge Is this normal to experience this after a pap smear during pregnancy?

I was going in for a pap smear but my doctor didnt do the pap smear. it turned out that I am 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Your doctor shouldn't have done it mine said she wont do it until im 12 weeks.

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dats nasty

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iam 5 weeks pregnant sac is not seen but bleeding

You are 4 and a half weeks pregnant and you started bleeding what does that mean?

Lots of blood is bad. If it is like a period, head for the doctor as soon as humanly possible.

Can you have your period if you are one to two weeks pregnant?

No but you can have implantation bleeding

Im 2 weeks pregnant and bleeding what does it mean?

you have your period