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You can't throw up a pregnancy or a miscarriage. You should go to the doctor now! You could have internal bleeding. Good luck and God Bless:)

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If you are sure that your pregnant I would suggest going to the hospital, because it sounds like you may be having a miscarriage. If so I am very sorry.

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shouldn't you be asking your doctor?

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Q: I'm 8 weeks pregnant and bleeding and passing blood clots with cramping can I still be pregnant in this condition?
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Pink discharge when pregnant?

It can happen but if you start cramping, having a lot of discharge, bleeding, or passing clots you should call your Dr or go to the ER right away.

Is it possible to pass blood clots during pregnancy and not miscarry?

Yes, it is possible. I had a sub chorionic bleed that caused cramping and bleeding, including passing clots, for about 3 weeks. My doctor monitored me with ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy was viable and that I was not at risk of serious bleeding. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have not had any bleeding for approximately 2 weeks.

Does heavy bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant with no cramping and passing a blood clot about the size of a quarter mean a definite miscarriage?

No, it does not always mean you have had a miscarriage. Women are different and so are all pregnancies. However, at this time call your Ob-Gyn or midwife. They will more than likely tell you to go to the ER. Tests will be ran there.

I dont know for sure if i was pregnant but i am experiencing heavy bleeding and severe cramps could i still be pregnant?

If you don't know you are pregnant, then it could simply be your period. Periods can be late for a number of reasons, including stress. However, if you are pretty sure you are pregnant, perhaps because you are experiencing symptoms such as breast soreness, Montgomerys tubercles, tiredness, headaches, a metallic taste in your mouth, insomnia and increased vaginal secretions, then bleeding and cramps are nearly always a bad sign. Bleeding alone, or cramping alone, can be nornal symptoms, but both together almost always indicates a miscarriage. If you are miscarrying, then you should be passing large clots, some up to the size of your fist, and extremely painful sharp cramping. You should call your doctor and get medical treatment, in case you need a D&C or other procedure to clear out your uterus, as not all miscarriages happen totally naturally and need some help, You also need emotional support to come to terms with the loss of your baby. If you are not passing big clots then you are probably just having a period. Miscarriage bleeding tends to pour out of you like a tap has been turned on, whereas period bleeding is usually slower than that.

What happens during miscarriage?

I had one about a month ago at 9 wks and I had a yeast infection at first and then I felt cramps then I spotted alittle on a Saturday and then next day I started bleeding and cramping more and then I went to the ER and I went to the bathroom and I was passing clots and bleeding and cramping more when in doubt call the doctor though.....I'm sry if your having one it's not an easy thing to go through but I hope ur not and I hope this was helpful

I am 8 weeks pregnant and am bleeding dark blood and am passing small blood clots but have no cramping what is happening?

its best to book an appointment with your gp to make sure, if you start to have cramps which feel like period pains it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy where the baby develops outside of the womb. small clots could be a sign of a miscarriage so get an appointment asap or go to your nearest hospital

What will happen to you if you have been bleeding for 3 weeks and you are 4 months pregnant?

If the bleeding is light and the baby is growing properly there is probably little concern. If the bleeding becomes heavy or you begin passing clots notify your OB immediately. I am assuming your doctor is aware and has evaluated the situation - if not make an appointment immediately.

What is the sign of 2month pregnant miscarriage?

First off if you think you are having a miscarriage you should contact your Dr right away. Symptoms may include : Heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, passing of clots and/or tissue, cramping, back pain, sudden stop of pregnancy symptoms, and home pregnancy test going from positive to negative. You should go to the ER right away if you have any sever bleeding, shoulder pain, smelly/yellow/green discharge, fever, blurred vision, or fainting as these all could be signs of something much more serious.

Is Cramping and fluttering 5 weeks into pregnancy normal?

Cramping without bleeding can happen on and off during pregnancy, in early pregnancy this may feel like strong period cramps, as long as it is not accompanied by bleeding it is usually nothing to worry about.When you notice this, get off your feet for a short time while you drink a large glass of water, (being dehydrated can cause contractions) it should let up. If not call your doctor or midwife.In later pregnancy this is most often Braxton-Hix contractions. As long as there is no bleeding and the cramps subside when you relax and rest, rather than getting more frequent and stronger no matter what you do, all perfectly normal.At any time during pregnancy you start cramping, with spotting, bleeding or notice a clear or tinged fluid leaking from your vagina call your doctor or midwife, ASAP.If you notice after activity you are cramping, get off of your feet and drink a large glass of water. If in an hour the cramping is no better or you are passing any fluid, call your doctor.

Is diverticulosis painful?

Although it can cause pain and discomfort (as well as bleeding and problems passing feces) in some cases, it generally is not a painful condition. In fact, in often it doesn't present any noticeable symptoms at all.

Embryo transfer done 10 days ago bad cramping brown blood was implantation possible?

I am going through the same thing minus the bleeding. I have been told that cramping isn't necessarily a bad sign. It could be your utertus expanding preparing for the growth of a baby. The blood may be old blood that you are passing and could be from implantation. This is my second cycle and my first cycle failed. I had light bleeding during my first cycle and then it got heavier and dark red. I did find out that I was pregnancy but the embryo detached from the uterus. These two weeks are awful to wait. Try to relax and don't read too much into your symptoms right now. There is always that chance that you are pregnant until the doctor tells you that you are not, so take care of yourself as if you are!! Good luck.

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A brain ingery is something that can csuse bleeding and passing out like cuncoshens