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here's more info.... I've been on the Ortho Evra patch for 4 years. Had a kidney infection at the beginning of April. Was supposed to start on April 23rd and didnt so took an at home test and it came out positive. i was on Cipro, an antibiotic for my infection. Most everything i read said Cipro shouldn't effect birth control. So how could i be pregnant? replaced patch as needed and none fell off? Help!

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Q: I'm on Birth Control but at home test said i was pregnant... How?
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It says on the packet that it is not suitable for birth control. My Ob-Gyne said it is possible to fall pregnant while taking Climen.

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A man is legally responsible for his actions and any claims thereon as father of a child. I must add that birth control in itself is no guarantee that a woman can't become pregnant. As a contraceptive, birth control is only 99.9% effective even if taken correctly.

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I have a friend who did the exact same thing and her doctor said it was no problem. YOU NEED TO CHECK WITH A DOCTOR THOUGH!

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i just recently got on birth control myself. my gyno. and pharamacist both said it take 7 days to start working as a contraceptive. i may suggest calling your local pharmacy and asking them for help.

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my chemist said no

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there are many forms of birth control , I'm currently on microgynon which is a pill for helping my periods work and stopping me getting pregnant. but like i said are many. birth control is to allow periods to flow freely without pain or side effects such as vomiting. i use microgynon for less pin, lighter flowing and less cramps. birth control in all, depending on if you want children or not do many things. i would recommend talking to a doctor about them

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there is always a possibility that you could get pregnant. since you said boyfriend maybe you should consider not having sex. even the most popular birth control methods are not 100% accurate. they have the day after pill if you are worried. mamadebbie

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Birth control pills have no addictive qualities. That said - some people can become psychologically addicted to just about anything. I just don't see what the attraction would be.

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I emailed the Bach Flowers company & the woman who replied said: "The birth control pill will not be effected by Rescue Remedy so please do not worry about taking it."