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I think that you obviously haven't been on the pill long enough for it to take effect. Although, the pill won't make you 'skip' a period but will usually lessen the flow/intensity. If you are unsure I advise that you see a doctor, because bleeding for more than 9-10 days is a common sign that something is wrong. If you are feeling well, wait for a couple of days but if you continue bleeding see a doctor immedletly. Dr Emily R. I think that you obviously haven't been on the pill long enough for it to take effect. Although, the pill won't make you 'skip' a period but will usually lessen the flow/intensity. If you are unsure I advise that you see a doctor, because bleeding for more than 9-10 days is a common sign that something is wrong. If you are feeling well, wait for a couple of days but if you continue bleeding see a doctor immedletly. Emily R.

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Q: I've been bleeding for three weeks and I tried to skip my period through the pill what is wrong?
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