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Your rate of m/c is only about 5% since you heard a heart beat! Praying for you!

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Nothing you wrote suggests a miscarriage.

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Q: I'm 8wks and 3days pregnant started spotting this morning ultrasound showed Fetal heartbeat was 162 and fetus measured up to date Dr said that my gestational sac was low. Am I going to miscarry?
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If there is no heartbeat in 8 weeks pregnancy?

If there is no heartbeat by 8 weeks then you should schedule an ultrasound to make sure the baby is healthy. If you already had an ultrasound then chances are you might miscarry. There is no medical treatment to keep you from miscarrying, and it isn't your fault in anyway if that is the case so don't blame yourself and keep trying.

No Gestational sac appears?

Sometimes you could miscarry very early, but the body doesn't reject the fetus like it should. It does happen. My aunt thought she was 20 weeks pregnant, but when she went for an ultrasound fetus died many weeks earlier

Is there a risk with an irregular shaped gestational sac?

I had an irregular shaped gestational sac. At 8 weeks I had a scan which showed that the yolk sac measured 8 weeks but the fetal pole only measured 6 weeks but there was a heart beat. I had a repeat scan 2 weeks later sadly to find that the sac had collapsed and no heart beat. I have to go for a D and C tomorrow because my body as not rejected the pregnancy.Thus in my case a irregular shaped gestational sac was not a good sign. I also had a slightly irregular shaped gestational sac first noticed at a 6 week scan with a heartbeat of 118. I had bleading with this pregnancy as well that started as a light discharge and then became a steady period. I went to the E.R. at 8 weeks and the baby's heartbeat was strong at 150. The E.R. doctor said they could not tell where the bleading was coming from, but noted again that the ultrasound showed a slightly irregular shaped gestational sac and to follow up in 1 week. Two days later, I miscarried at home. After talking to several friends that are OBGYNs, any irregularity to the gestational sac will most likely lead to a miscarriage.

When I had a lot of blood and matter did you miscarry?

It's possible but they have to take a ultrasound to know for sure.

Will you miscarry if an ultrasound at 7 weeks 5 days only said 5 weeks 5 days and there was no heartbeat?

If they say you are still pregnant then you probably are. Seven weeks into the pregnancy is nothing. You have to take into consideration that they are going by your last menstural period when you could not have been pregnant so in actuality they are adding on a few weeks. Don't worry about it and try not to be stressed because stress is horrible for your unborn fetus.

How do you miscarry before baby has heartbeat?

Some pregnancies simply do not "take" and the body expells the results.

4 weeks Pregnant your hcg levels are high but no gestational sac nor yolk sac appears in ultrasound?

Don't stress out! With my 2nd baby I had the same thing. I was convinced that I was going to miscarry. I had another ultrasound at 6 weeks and at that time all they saw was the sac, then finnaly at 8 weeks we got to see that little peanut.

Can you have an ultrasound at 8 weeks hear the heartbeat and see the baby but still go on to miscarry?

Yes you can I have had a few cousins that have misscarried at almost 4-6 months. miscarring is most common in the first trimester with is your first 1-3 months of pregnancy. So is it possible at 8 weeks ..Sadly yes it is...

Can an ultrasound show if you had a miscarriage?

An ultrasound scan will show if you have had a miscarriage. Sometimes you may bleed from near the placenta (afterbirth) but you don't miscarry and it will show this too. Sometimes you bleed and lose the baby but not all the placenta comes away which can be dangerous, causing bleeding and/or infection. the ultrasound scan can show all these things.

What does it mean if there is no fetus in the ultrasound except for a sac at six weeks and the doctor is concerned it has stopped developing?

At 6 weeks, the baby's heartbeat can register on an ultrasound. If the Yolk sack is void of a live foetus, there will be no heartbeat. You will either sponstaniously abort this pregnancy (miscarry) or your doctor will recommend a D+C. The information above is not entirely correct. If you are off by a few days on impantation the fetal pole may not have developed yet. This is why many doctors do not like to do early ultrasounds. Fetal Poles usually develop between 5.5 weeks and 6.5 weeks. Don't give up hope yet! I just had a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks gestation. The yolk sac was visible and pregnancy was confirmed but no heartbeat was detected. In a week, another ultrasound will be done to look for the fetal pole. The obstetrician noted that everything appeared normal except for not seeing the heartbeat. He noted that it was entirely possible he just couldn't see it; thus, the scheduled ultrasound at 7 weeks. Distinct changes take place in just a week and that is what your doctor will look for to determine viability. If your Hcg levels are rising appropriately and everything else appears normal, it may just be too soon to see the heartbeat. Don't give up hope yet. I haven't. Give your baby time to develop and the doctors time to be able to see it.

If you are 9 weeks pregnant and ultrasound results measured 6.5 weeks with a large yolk sac could this be a sign of miscarriage?

This information is correct. I experienced the exact same thing. The early ultrasound is exeptionally accurate in most cases and the baby should measure within 1 week of the estimated age. Your body will most likely miscarry otherwise a D&C could be recommended. The pregnancy will most likely not advance past 12 weeks.

How do you spell miscarry?

As written in the question, miscarry You could also use: * miscarriage * miscarry * miscarried