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At 6 weeks, the baby's heartbeat can register on an ultrasound. If the Yolk sack is void of a live foetus, there will be no heartbeat. You will either sponstaniously abort this pregnancy (miscarry) or your doctor will recommend a D+C. The information above is not entirely correct. If you are off by a few days on impantation the fetal pole may not have developed yet. This is why many doctors do not like to do early ultrasounds. Fetal Poles usually develop between 5.5 weeks and 6.5 weeks. Don't give up hope yet! I just had a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks gestation. The yolk sac was visible and pregnancy was confirmed but no heartbeat was detected. In a week, another ultrasound will be done to look for the fetal pole. The obstetrician noted that everything appeared normal except for not seeing the heartbeat. He noted that it was entirely possible he just couldn't see it; thus, the scheduled ultrasound at 7 weeks. Distinct changes take place in just a week and that is what your doctor will look for to determine viability. If your Hcg levels are rising appropriately and everything else appears normal, it may just be too soon to see the heartbeat. Don't give up hope yet. I haven't. Give your baby time to develop and the doctors time to be able to see it.

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Q: What does it mean if there is no fetus in the ultrasound except for a sac at six weeks and the doctor is concerned it has stopped developing?
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