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Improve the answer: Revelation was seen as written before 70AD before the Schofield Dispensationalism revolution. The prophetic phrases used are found elsewhere referring to other judgment events in the scriptures. There is no verse to disprove Preterism because it is what The Bible teaches. Also there is no Scripture to support futurism for all prophecies where fulfilled. Preterism is skating on very thin ice. If they would study out the Bible they maybe would find the right view that first the church has not replaced Israel. Second the New Testament was written for Christians between the two comings of Christ. If prophecy ended with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD we who are alive today are in a sorrowful state. If prophecy ended in 70 AD where is God's history for the last 2000 years because certainly we are not beyond the Millennium and I know that this is not the new heavens and new earth. If it is my God has lied to me. And I know that God can not lie.

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Q: IS Preterism and Covenant Eschatology able to be disproved or proven completely wrong by any obvious scriptures or sequence of events besides the notion that Revelation was written after 70AD?
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