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Q: IS being felt up by a guy bad or a sin?
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Related questions

What is bad?

Bad is when you sin. Sin is the breaking of God's law.

Who was in control of Judas all along?

SIN- the Devil, Evil spirits- he was a Bad Guy, no exceptions- and ultimately hung himself.

Why are your sin is guy?

bz his guy man

Is sin cara a bad guy?

well, he is nuetural he is sometimes bad and sometimes good i really dont watch it anymore but im pretty sure hes nuetural

What does the bible say about sin and blasphemy?

that sin and blasphemy are bad and and blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin

Is sin bad?

Sin is bad. If you do not repent from your sins before you die, you will spend all of eternity in agony in hell.

What is the difference if you are religious you are good and if you are not religious you are bad?

A:The difference is prejudice or pride, depending on the context. Of course, religious and non-religious people are equally capable of being good and equally capable of being bad. But a minority of religious people do not see it like this, believing that religious people are inherently good and non-religious people are inherently bad. That view in itself is bad, or in religious terms, a sin - either the sin of prejudice or the sin of pride. These are sins a non-religious person is unlikely to commit, at least in this comparison.

What is the larges lake in Florida?

Kevin Ortiz Medina Bad Sin Boys<3 PUro bad sin records like on YouTube and on Facebook bad sin boys PUro movimiento alt€radooo00******

Why is the world such a bad place?


Is being emo a sin?

It's not a sin anymore

Is adopting a sin?

Adopting is not a sin, but, if you are kidnapping, wanting to do bad things to him/her/it, it will eventually be a sin (no affence if you did that). Bye Bye!

Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun?

Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun? Of the Roman Catholic Church? No. It is not a sin at all.