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Yep. Don't admit that he is the father until you are 18.

ANOTHER VIEW: It depends on the laws of your state, and won't protect him if your parent or guardian reports him to the authorities.

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Q: I am 15 pregnant to a 18 year old would my boyfriend go to jail still even if im turning 16?
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This seems like an unlikely occurrence. Still, because pregnancy tests work based on HcG, a hormone made by women during pregnancy, and do not test for sperm, they would be no reason that your boyfriend's ejaculate would influence the outcome of the test.

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A DNA Test would be a good idea !!

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If I go to Georgia and get married I'm 15 and pregnant what would I have to have.?

a husband. a boyfriend, to begin with atleast. to have to be not particularly smart

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Miss your period or pregnancy tests.