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I am 26 weeks and have had stabbing, burning pain on the right upper quadrant of my stomach. It has been going on for the past 2 weeks now and I went to the doctor and she thought it was either a hernia, muscle tear or nerve pain. I still haven't figured it out yet and they are not too worried. All they say is that if it is a hernia it will go away after I give birth. I'm just worried about the next time I am pregnant. What will it be like then and will I have it again. It doesn't feel the nicest. It hurts when I cough, laugh or even tense up around the stomach area. I, like you, also thought it was just the skin stretching, but no one else around me ever had my symptoms. I hope I helped a little. I am 26 weeks and have had stabbing, burning pain on the right upper quadrant of my stomach. It has been going on for the past 2 weeks now and I went to the doctor and she thought it was either a hernia, muscle tear or nerve pain. I still haven't figured it out yet and they are not too worried. All they say is that if it is a hernia it will go away after I give birth. I'm just worried about the next time I am pregnant. What will it be like then and will I have it again. It doesn't feel the nicest. It hurts when I cough, laugh or even tense up around the stomach area. I, like you, also thought it was just the skin stretching, but no one else around me ever had my symptoms. I hope I helped a little.

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Q: I am 27 weeks pregnant and keep getting shooting pains across the top of your stomach is this just the skin stretching?
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Most of the time, stomach pain and light cramps in the first trimester are completely normal, because your uterus is starting to really stretch out, and your body is getting used to being pregnant. Most first trimester stomach pains and cramps are due to your newly stretching uterus.

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yes, sometimes women experience things like that. Cause i had that problem when i was pregnant. But i was about 22 weeks pregnant. But if it get to bad and it doesnt stop see a doctor. But the main thing that is cause of your stomach is stretching. So try to rub lotion on your tummy.

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It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

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Your stomach is getting bigger,but that's maybe the McDonalds you keep eating.

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how do you know when ones pregnant?well, it useually takees the male to get the female pregnant about 2 weeks. You know when shes pregnant by getting bigger in the stomach and wiggleing in the stomach, and shes eating more

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When you dont get ur period & when ur stomach is getting bigger !

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That could most likely just be the stretching of your stomach and you aren't used to the feel of that

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Medical term is gastrectasis

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What causes shooting stumach pain for most Ladies is them getting there period. Or it can have something to do with your apendix or you could have stretched a muscle in your stumach that your not use to using.

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If your stomach is ichy it is signs of pregnancy This is not a sure thing and your stomach could simply be itchy from dry skin like any other part of the body. Try "Aveeno" lotion. Wait and then take a pregnancy test.