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ask a doctor for help. what day was it when the doc told you that? count backwards and try to remember when --as in what day-- you had sex.

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Q: I am a 9 wks and 6 days pregnant how can I find out date of conception?
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What if you don't know when your last period was and am pregnant how do I calculate conception day?

Find out when your due date is because you can work out your conception date from that

Can you find out that your pregnant in ten days?

Yes you can find out as early as five days after the conception with some tests.

Where could one find a conception calculator?

One can find a conception calculator on the "BabyMed" website. The BabyMed conception calculator and reverse pregnancy due date calculator helps you find the possible conception date retrospectively. Just enter your due date, and the pregnancy conception date calculator will calculate the exact possible dates when you got pregnant.

How do you calculate conception date?

To calculate conception you can go from the first day of your last period and add two weeks eg if your last period was on the first of the month then conception would have taken place at around the 15th . If you do not no the first day of your last period but no how many weeks pregnant you are then count back and minus two weeks eg if you are seventeen weeks on the 2nd of September go back on the calendar 15 weeks this will give you a approximate conception date

If your due date is March 19th did you conceive on May 27th?

The approximate date of conception was June 12 because you follow Naegele's rule so you would add 3 months and subtract 7 days to find the date of conception. If you know the last date of your menstrual cycle you subtract 3 months and add 7 days to find your due date.

How do you tell your due date?

To find your due date you need to know either your conception date or the date of your last period.

How soon can you find out you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test?

2 weeks after conception at the earliest

When did you conceive if your due date is April 3?

You go back nine months to find your approximate conception date. In this case, your conception date would be around July 3 (possibly July 4th?).

Can you spot 2 day after conception?

I'm not to sure about that, but I'm about three days pregnant and was spotting today. I have had five children and this will be my sixth one. From experience I can tell that I am pregnant, as well as tell you that spotting is quite normal at an early stage of pregnancy. If you have severe cramping or even moderate cramping, you should contact your doctor immediately. No sense in taking any chances whatsoever. HAPPY DELIVERY !!! LUISA T.

Where can one find a free conception date calculator?

Free conception date calculators can be found from websites such as Baby2See and Prokerala. Other examples include the websites Conceive Easy and Everyday Family.

Is there a formula I can use to figure out my due date?

If you know your date of conception, all you have to do is add 9 months to find out your approximate due date.

How do you calculate the day on which you got pregnant?

Your pregnancy is considered to have started on the first day of the cycle in which you got pregnant. Since most women have a 28-day cycle and they conceived around the 14th day, you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant at the time of conception. Therefore, by the time you find out you are pregnant (you've noticed you missed your period, pregnancy test is positive) you are considered about 4 weeks pregnant. hope this is what you were looking for.