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Q: I am currently 34 wks pregnant and my placenta is rt anterior my dr says that you will have a cesarean what should i do to have a normal birth of the baby and how can i avoid ceserean?
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What does 'placenta Anterior mean in doctors notes after a pregnancy scan?

It means that your placenta is in the front of your uterus. This is not an issue in early pregnancy as the placenta usually moves as pregnancy progresses. If it is still anterior near end of pregnancy it can make you have to have a C-section. Also, it will be harder to feel the baby's kicks and movement as an anterior placenta cushions the baby from the tummy.

What is the name when the afterbirth lies in front of the baby?

I believe it is an anterior placenta

The placenta situated on anterior upper segment and shows evidence of grade 2?

It is a normal case and no need to worry for that. Anterior means the placenta is attached on the front side in the uterus.

What does placenta is mid anterior?

An anterior placenta meants is located in front of ur uterus it. It a normal thing tho it just means that ur egg was fertilize there. And for your baby it should be no problem some womens just have difuculty feeling the baby kick im 24 weeks n my placenta is anterior and me and husband feel him kick all the time :) is an normal thing.

I am currently 26w5d pregnant and I have placenta anterior. I can't seem to find much information and I was wondering anyone can help me for example websites or by their personal experiences. Thanks.?

An anterior placent is quite normal. The main thing about it it that it will make it difficult for someone to work out how the baby is lying by feeling your abdomen. An ultrasound will have no problem though. As long as the placenta is in the upper segment of the uterus it should not cause an problems.

Does placenta anterior upper uterine segment grade you maturity mean a girl?

The placement of the placenta in the uterus has absolutely no relationship to the sex of the child.

What do mean by placenta left lateral ant?

Having a left lateral anterior placenta means that the placenta is low lying. This can cause problems during delivery oftentimes necessitating a C-section.

Which type of gland produces hormones?

Gonadotropic hormones, or gonadotropin, are one of three glycoprotein hormones released by either the anterior pituitary gland or the placenta.

After the baby is delivered by cesarean section what happens?

The umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the newborn is evaluated. The placenta is removed from the mother, and her uterus and abdomen are stitched closed.

What does Placenta in the wrong place mean?

Placenta Previa is when the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus, covering all or part of the opening to the cervix. It is not usually a problem during early pregnancy, but can cause problems later. Later in pregnancy, it can cause bleeding, which may require you to deliver early. Women with Placenta Previa are required to deliver through cesarean section.

What is capable of living outside the uterus?

Very rarely the pregnancy get implanted in the abdomen. It can continue to term. It has to be delivered by Cesarean section. It is very risky and tedious to remove placenta in such instance.

Is the fetus is a girl if the spine of the fetus is anterior?

single live intra uterine gestation of 20 weeks 1 day A.C 147mm EFW 327 g placenta: Grade II Placenta placed posteriorly