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It's normal to have some extra slime when you're ovulating.

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Q: I am experiencing white sticky slippery discharges on the 4th day after my period what does this mean?
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Is butter sticky?

No, butter is not sticky, it is slippery.

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What are discharges?

Discharge is when this white gooey sticky stuff comes out of the women's vagina and out of young ones though if it comes out of young ones its a sign that their period will be starting soon.

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Rough and soft and sticky and slippery

Is the word slime a noun?

Yes, the word 'slime' is both a noun and a verb.The noun 'slime' is a word for a slippery or sticky substance; a word for slippery or sticky mud or clay; a word for a thing.

Is slimy is an Adjective?

Yes, "slimy" is an adjective. It describes something that is sticky and slippery to the touch.

What is the antonym of lubricious?

In the sense of 'lewd', an antonym would be 'conservative' or 'puritanical'. In the sense of 'slippery', an antonym would be 'sticky'.

What does butter do to mailboxes?

I donT understand the question but, it would probably make it slippery stinky and sticky once it dries up

How do you check your cervical mucus?

After your period you will be dryer and as you get closer to ovulation mucus will gradually increase and it will be sticky and cloudy (creamy). RIGHT before you ovulate mucus will increase even more and it will become clear and very slippery, (like egg white) and stretchy. Ovulation will occur at about this time. After ovulation it will become sticky and cloudy again, and mucus will decrease.

Does the sticky stuff on your underpants mean you will get your period soon?

No that "sticky stuff" is just a vaginal fluid that occurs naturally and it has nothing to do with your period. I hope this helps

Is slimy an adjective?

Yes, slimy is an adjective. It refers to something that is slippery, greasy, or covered in a sticky substance.

How do you identify ham when its gone off?

To identify ham when it has gone off, you must smell and touch it. If it feels sticky and slippery, and has a bad smell to it, it has gone off.