

Best Answer

You can try to gain a little bit of weight. Look at places like Target and other places that sells junior clothing. ♥

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Q: I am not anorexic but super skinny only 5'4 and 80 pounds I am trying to find a dress for eighth grade graduation but since I only have a 27 inch bust I am having some trouble help please?
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I am not anorexic but super skinny only 5'4 and 80 pounds I am trying to find a dress for eighth grade graduation but since I only have a 27 inch bust I are having some trouble some help please?

try a store that sells extra small or Bebe .... they carry clothing that are xxs .... or if you find a cute dress go to David's bridal n they can sew it up to fit your size

Can a person use anorexic agents having a serious medical condition exacerbated by their weight?


How do you spell anerxic?

The correct spelling is anorexic (having a specific eating disorder, too thin).

Why do you faint when your anorexic?

Because you get dizzy from not having the fuel your body needs to function properly. Food=fuel.

From graduation. How do the achievements for which the graduation speaker praises recent graduates from the narrator's school differ from the narrators hopes for herself and her classmates?

The speaker of the graduation ceremony had hopes for the graduates to become athletes or some lesser occupation, while Ms. Angelou's hopes for her and her classmates were to become much more successful than she already perceived herself and them to be. Even though she was only twelve years old and graduating eighth grade she felt that by having that diploma she would be able to become a teacher.

Why do anorexic people stop having periods?

It's because they're undernourished. They also lose their sex drive.

Can eating unhealthy prevent your period?

Amennorhea, the medical term for not having your period, can be brought on by unhealthy eating. Many women who are anorexic stop having periods for a while.

What is the good thing about having a grade 6 graduation?

you get to say goodbye properly

How do you spell anorecsic?

The correct spelling is anorexic (literally having a loss of appetite, as from Anorexia nervosa, a psychological eating disorder).

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What do people look like if they are anorexic?

You don't. Being anorexic is not healthy, and one can not look anorexic without being anorexic, or having some other health problem. Even a lot of exercise will not actually make you look anorexic, unless you're body starts autocannibalizing itself.

Do girls having their periods have anything to do with anorexia?

Not exactly. Having your epriod doen't make someone become anorexic. Some girls might be bloated a little while on their period, and think that they are fat, but that bloating passes within a few days or a week or so. If someone is anorexic, often they will stop having their period, though, as their bodies try to consere mass and fat and nutrients.