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When seeing both sides the good are negated by the bad in a big way. Many feels it's the family they never had but that family comes with a price. They expect you take the blame for someone else and take his penalty. They expect you to hurt people and people will not respect you because the great person you are, they will fear you, and that is not respect, because you can hurt them. Your real family and friends will get dragged into it as well and your gang will try to protect them but they will also tell you that the gang comes first. There are reasons why boys as young as 16 wants their girlfriend to get pregnant so he have a excuse to leave without being beaten half to death. And your child will most likely join the same gang. You might be old enough to see it. So in conclusion....feels like family.

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That Depends . If Its a Gang Well Known For Violence , Vandalism Etc . Then Its Negative in a Way But More Positive Because It Could Be a Learning Experience . On The Other Hand , If They're Well Known For Just Hanging Around One Spot , Pretending to Be Bold and They're Just Intimidating Then That Would Be Pointless Stupid .

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Q: I am wanting to know some opinions of what the positive about being in a gang is?
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What causes greater gang prevalence in some schools?

Being in a gang area; having multiple students which come from gang families; being a lower rated school.

Advantages of being in a gang?

Some perceive advantages of being in a gang as having a sense of belonging, protection from perceived threats, and potential for financial gain through illegal activities. However, these perceived advantages are overshadowed by the risks and negative consequences associated with gang involvement, such as violence, legal consequences, and harm to oneself and others.

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rappers delight by the sugar hill gang, although different people have different opinions.

What is it called when you get initiated in a gang?

they take a beat down.... or...they get "sexed in" - meaning they have sex with some or all the guys in the gang...or they have sex with a guy who is HIV positive.

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Immortal technique gang member?

He is notorious for not being in a gang, hence independent hip hop artist. But he is a lot ruthless than most gang members.

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naturally, when you're in a gang, gang fights are nowhere far behind. being that Lil Wayne was in a known blood gang in New Orleans, I'm almost certain he had gang fights with rival gangs.

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im not 100% positive but i think its 6inches

Are gangs positive?

No, there have been no indication of good coming out of gang activities. Other than providing a sense of security and belonging to some individuals, typically, gangs are destructive to everyone but themselves. ______________________________________________________ Ha! That's funny. Of course we're not positive. If we were positive, we wouldn't commit crimes and mess with law enforcement. But, to REALLY answer the question It really depends how you were taught to grow-up. Some gang members could still be in a gang and have SOME KIND of good in them. Just because you're a gang member doesn't mean you're absolutely senseless and insensitive?

How do a lesbian become a blood gang member?

A lesbian can become a blood gang member by being initiated into the group. The group does not discriminate if the person is a lesbian. It is illegal to be a member of a gang.

What gang did Uotani Arisa used to be a member of?

Uotani Arisa used to be a member of a motorcycle gang called the Red Butterfly gang. She was known for being a tough and aggressive fighter before she left the gang to focus on her education.

Do kids get into gang violence because of what they see on tv?

maybe. If they see a lot of that stuff on tv, and if they have the wrong friends that have the potential of becoming a gang or being assosiated with gang violence, then yes.