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cry tell they come back

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Q: I been with a girl for 2 years and i fell in love with her she says she love me but her actions are different im trying to let go but i feel like im missing something if shes not around what do i do?
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Related questions

What is the origin of missing?

around 1470 the verb miss in the sense of to fail to hit or get what one wanted or aimed at grew to include the sense of to perceive the absence of something & gradually thereafter something missed became something missing & indeed the first missing person turned up by 1876

Why does missing someone hurt so bad?

It is because you love them. Even if you don't, they probably have an impact on your life, big or small, and now that they are not around you anymore, you feel empty like you are missing something. It is because you want to be around them, yet you know that you can't.

Why should you go out in nature rather than stay on your phone?

You're certainly missing a lot if you sit around on your phone all the time. Nature is amazing - there's always something different going on that you can look at and walk around in and hear and smell. It's also healthy to get out and get some exercise in the clean air.

What is the title of the children's book where a boy and his monkey-friend get on a bed and ride around space looking for a missing pipe used by an old man to blow the rings around Saturn?

kalikulan's pipe or something...

How can you tell if the person your with has found someone else?

By their actions they will be different around you. they will stop kissing you Etc... And they will be very defencive about anything you ask them. Hope this helps

What does the prefix mean in circumspect mean?

The prefix "circum-" in "circumspect" comes from Latin and means "around" or "about." Therefore, "circumspect" means to look around carefully or to be cautious and attentive in one's actions.

How many people where missing when Mount Vesuvius erupted?

Well, there is no exact number of people missing but roughly around 5000

Your staffy has patches of fur missing no sign of fleas The skin around the patch seems to be peeling?

parasites? ask your vet. they may take a skin sample and give you a cream or something accordingly.

How fast does bad news travel?

It all depends on what the bad news is really. If it is something about gossip then it wouldprobably take about a few days to get around to the people who like to get on the dirt. If it is something dramatic such as an accident or something else, it usually depends on your actions and moods. These two things can make the bad news come quite quickly. It would have to be at least to days or to weeks. Sometimes though, it can take even months! You really can't be sure when the bad news will arrive. It all depends on your actions and the people around you!

What is the salary of a 'missing persons investigator'?

Around 85000 to 125000

What role does karma play in Buddhism?

Karma in Buddhism is slightly different than most people think.Karma is not the result that you get from an action (what goes around, comes around) as most people think. Karma is your action / reaction to a situation. When speaking about your Karma, we are speaking about the typical reactions you have to the same stimulus (like getting angry when someone tell you something you didn't want to hear).The results of your karma (actions) is called the karmic fruit. That's what the "what goes around, comes around" is.

How do you find your ds game when it is missing?

The best thing you can do is look around.