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No, That isn't normal. Well in some peoples case it can be normal if they have a stronger blood flow or are sick and have a quick heart beat increasing the cause of over dose blood flowage, I'm not a Doctore but; No I don't think this is normal some will say they here a earitating shaking or flowing sound with hits of crackleing or shaking such as an earth quake in there ears this is a mixture of all the sounds in you're body and the echoing sounds witch are locked in you're mind or you are hearing the echoing sounds from outside though if you are feeling sick and increasage of vomiting or head aches and or coughing blood and hearing percing ringing in you're ears it could be lead posioning sorry I'm going a bit off topic but this may explain the sound of blood flow in ones ear lofes I do apologise if this isn't any help I'm not an expert nor' docter or sicaligist but I know abit about this stuff... I do hope this helps a little bit.

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Q: I can hear my own blood flow through my ears at will. You get the same sound when putting your fingers in your ears. but I can do it without doing so. Is that normal?
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