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Probably not, the swelling will go down but not the scar tissue which some mistake for swelling. This Im afraid will be with you for life & look as the though yr finger is swollen permenantly. The main thing is physio to esure as much use from the finger as possible, even if it does look like a sausage!!!

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Q: I dislocated my finger 4 weeks ago but it is still swollen how can I reduce the swelling?
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Turmeric is an amazing and NATURAL anti-inflamatory. It will help with both the pain and the swelling, also, remember to keep the knee moving as the circulation will also help with the swelling issue!

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Finger still swollen after door slammed on it?

Icepack the finger, 10 minutes packed; ten minutes free. You can also take NSAIDS -- NOn-Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory Drugs like aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to reduce pain and swelling. Carry the extremity above the level of the heart to keep swelling down. If you think the finger may be broken, head for a hospital and get it xrayed. Do not pull on the finger. If moving it hurts -- stop moving it. There's no way in the field to tell for certain if it's broken or sprained (unless you can see the break). So leave the finger immobile.

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if 'it' is your head take tylenol, if you have maybe a swollen knee or swollen spot ibuprofen is a pain reliever and helps to reduce swelling. if 'it' is a personal spot . . . percogesic is good, its hard to find but it not expensive.

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You may have overused the muscle and tendons. Use rest, ice and heat for a few days to reduce the swelling.

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It takes anywhere from a few hours to a few days for inflammation to go away. Ice can reduce the pain and the swelling. Over the counter pain/anti-inflammatory medication can also help bring the swelling down.

What is the purpose of immobilization?

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