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On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines, a recent pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.

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Q: I got 3 faint positive urine tests but a negative hcg blood test why and can it be wrong?
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How long after conception will blood tests show positive?

Around 2 weeks but it is faint. A month will show for sure!

You have had 3 positive blood pregnancy tests and one negative home pregnancy test which was taken after the first positive blood test was reported what does this mean?

It means that either the blood tests were wrong or the home pregnancy test was wrong

Got tubes tied and urine tests positive blood test negative what do you think?

Stop taking more urine tests. Repeat the blood test in two weeks.

Had 3 tests the first one was positive the second one had one line showing and the other line was very faint but the third one was negative. Have cramps and spotting. Coud I be pregnant?

Yes your pregnant for sure! You might want to get some blood work to be sure, pregnancy tests arent that accurate

You have taken 5 home pregancies they come up positive you have had two blood tests they both came up negative but the 2 one you took dected something and you had a little bit of human chrorine?

The best way to find out if you are pregnant are the blood tests. I have been mislead by home pregnancy tests before. But in my situation they came up negative and my blood tests came up positive... I was in fact pregnant.

Can you get a negative home pregnancy test and a positive blood test?

Yes. The home tests aren't accurate and only the blood test is the accurate one.

Could it still be possible to be pregnant after 3 positive tests 3 negative tests a negative blood test but no bleeding?

Well To Find Out That Answer Go See Your Doctor Thats All You Got To do Good Luck

Can you be pregnant if two tests were faint positive?

Yes. A pregnancy test is considered positive no matter how faint the lines are. Faint lines can be caused by a number of reasons like using diluted urine, factory defect, or not having a high hormone level. If you are questioning your tests answer always wait a few days and retest.

On Monday I did two clear-blue tests faint but positive today did digital clear-blue which says not pregnant?

If you got a positive you are pregnant. These is no such thing as a false positive. Another pregnancy test may give you a negative because it requires a larger amount of HCG to be detected before it will read positive. This is especially true for digital tests. So, congratualations.

What does the inside strip of a clear blue digital pregnancy test look like when it's positive?

The digital pregnancy tests are the same set up as the basic tests. You will urinate on the test (or dip it in your fresh urine) and it will say positive or negative, but if you were to take the test apart the inside has the strip that will show with the one (if negative) or two (if positive) lines. From my experience, sometimes the test will display a negative reading but the strip will be positive with a faint line so always double test a few days later.

Can o positive man marry o negative girl?

Yes. Blood type has nothing to do with marriage. The premarital blood tests in the past were done to test for Syphilis.

You took 3 home pregnancy tests 2 weeks ago all positive you went to the hospital and had positive blood results now im getting negative results from the home tests should you be worried?

Blood tests are more acccurate...So hopefully u no need to worry. Hope for the best to happpen...