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Yes. The home tests aren't accurate and only the blood test is the accurate one.

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Q: Can you get a negative home pregnancy test and a positive blood test?
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You have had 3 positive blood pregnancy tests and one negative home pregnancy test which was taken after the first positive blood test was reported what does this mean?

It means that either the blood tests were wrong or the home pregnancy test was wrong

Use home pregnancy test and the result are positive but the blood test result is negative am i pregnant?

i would try another home test to be sure. the hormones that are used to identify pregnancy can be found sooner in the blood than in the urine.

You had a positive pregnancy test and a missed period but negative hcg blood test could you have a tumor?

In the last case of this I saw, the patient had mistaken a home ovulation predictor for a home pregnancy test at the dollar store.

Cramps and breast tenderness 12 days before my period and had a positive home pregnancy test and a negative blood test done?

You're not pregnant?

Is a prgnancy test accurate if your still waiting on your period but the pregnancy test is positive?

Most home pregnancy tests are around 95% accurate.It's also more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. You should see a Dr for a blood pregnancy test now.

Home pregnancy test said positive but dr's said negative?

The positive was done wrong, or the 4 negatives were done wrong. if you get one positive it means you are more than likely pregnant. You are more likely to get a false negative than a false positive.

Can i blood pregnancy text be negative if you took it before you expect you period?

Pregnancy tests are almost always accurate with home tests it is more common to get a false negative then a positive if it says you are pregnant then you are.... With a blood test you will most likely always get the correct reading because your blood changes it increases and it develops a hormone that is only there when pregnant.

I have had three positive urine pregnancy tests and a negative blood test which is corrct?

I had the same thing happen to me. I took several home pregnancy tests that came back positive. I went to the doctor they did a blood test and it came back as negative. They sent me to hospital to do a 48 hour hormone test and determined I was miscarraging the baby. You should ask your doctor if this is hapening to you. Hope this helps.

If you are 2 weeks 4 days pregnant will a pregnancy test show up positive or negative?

A home pregnancy test will show up most probably negative in this case.

Pregnancy is it possible to be pregnant and all home tests are saying negative and you're getting your periods?

It is possible to get a false negative on a at home pregnancy test but it is not common. Go to your doctor and have a blood test done.

What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

You have taken 5 home pregancies they come up positive you have had two blood tests they both came up negative but the 2 one you took dected something and you had a little bit of human chrorine?

The best way to find out if you are pregnant are the blood tests. I have been mislead by home pregnancy tests before. But in my situation they came up negative and my blood tests came up positive... I was in fact pregnant.