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Elevate it and ice it.

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Q: I got hit by a car i thankfully didn't break anything but my ankle has been swollen for 4 weeks after i have been running on it if there anyway to make the swelling go down?
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Can breast cancer be caused by swollen lymph nodes?

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Will hot water help with tonsil swelling?

No, and it could make it worse. Heat should not be applied to anything swollen. Swelling is usually helped by cold, not heat. But if it is your tonsils, you may need to find out if you need to have them removed.

Is the phrase swollen glands refers to swelling of the sweat glands?

No, the phrase "swollen glands" does not refer to the swelling of the sweat glands. Swollen glands are the enlargement of the lymph nodes while the sweat glands are a part of the endocrine system.

Can you put heat on swollen finger?

Heat is for therapy, cold is for swelling. If you have a swollen finger you should use ice, you should check with your doctor if the swelling doesn't go down.

Should you wrap your swollen knee or not?

You should always get any swelling checked out by a doctor before doing anything in case it is something serious. If they decide it isn't, a compression wrap like Tubigrip can certainly help reduce swelling. You want to use a double layer running from the top of your thigh to your ankle to be most effective. Beware though, you mustn't wear it at night. Tubigrip is best used in conjunction with Ice and elevation to reduce swelling.

Why do you apply ice on swollen part when you are on field playing?

To reduce swelling.

The phrase swollen glands refers to swelling of the sweat glands?


Why do you get swollen fingers?

From bulimia, you can get swollen fingers from scraping them (bruising and swelling) when you put them down your throat. Otherwise, poor blood circulation or other medical conditions can cause your fingers to swell.

What is an edematous kidney?

Edema means swelling. An edematous kidney is a swollen kidney.

Are Lymph nodes common?

Every body, has lymph nodes in there groin. It is not normal for them to be swollen though. If they are swollen, your body is trying to fight of an infection. thankfully It is rarely anything serious.

Does the tonuge get swollen after its pierced?

Yes, inflammation is part of the natural healing process. It varies from person to person exactly how much swelling, but generally everyone who gets anything pierced will experience inflammation.

What is the fastest to take swelling away?

Raise the swollen part at least to the horizontal, then ice it.