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Not neccesarily but you should definitly see your gyno or midwife.

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Q: I had an ultrasound 3 days ago and was told i was 6wks 5days pregnant that everything looked fine today i woke up with slight spotting and small cramping am i miss carrying?
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How would you know if you were pregnant with twins at eight weeks?

The only sure way of knowing you are pregnant with twins is by ultrasound. An ultrasound at 8 weeks would show if you were carrying a multiple pregnancy.

What could be wrong if you are six weeks pregnant and have been bleeding and cramping for five days but an ultrasound showed that everything was fine?

That happened to me when I was that far in my pregnancy and everything was fine. Doctor said that was perfectly normal and some people do a small amount of bleeding. I wouldn't worry unless it's heavy bleeding for several days.

Im about six weeks pregnant and you are experiencing cramping Is this normal?

Cramping is normal during pregnancy and could persist. It could also be a sign that the baby is in distress or that you are having false labor pains. You should go get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby isn't in distress. If the cramping is sever then it could be preterm contractions. If the cramping gets worse and closer together you should go straigh to the hospital and have an ultrasound or to the labor and delivery room at the nearest hospital straight away.

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Is it true that you can do an ultrasound can show that your not pregnant even if you are pregnant?

Ultrasound can visualize fetus inside with no errors.

How do you check a pregnant women has aborted her baby after taking pragnancy tablets?

The doctor will check with a ultrasound that everything is out but once she has healed there are no signs.

Can you still be pregnant with cramping?


You have cramping but no bleeding?

could you be pregnant ???

When is ultrasound needed?

When your pregnant

If im pregnant and have severe cramping and bleeding and took a test again and came out positive can that still be a miscarriage?

The test will show positive for a few weeks after a miscarriage until the hormones have settled. You need to get a ultrasound to be sure.

Are there any uses of ultrasound in medicine?

yes when you get an ULTRASOUND when your pregnant it use ultrasound waves to show the image.

You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.