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Q: I had unprotected sex 2 days ago and i need to know if im pregenet well am only 14 years old and i need to know if im prgnet yes or no well my periode soupose to start in 14 days can u PLEASE HELP ME?
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Can you have unprotected sex after ipill?

No! The pill will protect you against pregnancy. It will NOT protect you against sexually transmitted diseases. Please play safe!

If the boy nut then your period come on?

If you had unprotected sex and are worried that you might be pregnant, contact your doctor. Please clarify your question for a more precise answer.

When you press your breast white fluid come out your stomach is bloat but you had your period had unprotected sex home pregnancy test say negative please advice?

your probably pregnant

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See a physician - now.

Can your urine turn up positive for drugs if your boyfriend does drugs but you do not?

No that is not possible. It is not possible, even if you have unprotected sexual contact. Which is not advisable. If he is drug addict, there are chances that he may catch HIV infection through infected needles. That may be transmitted to you via unprotected sexual contact. Please take proper steps to cure him of that drug addiction.

How do you stop burning pain at the tip of the penis during urination Started right after and has continued for weeks since unprotected sex What causes this-Neither of us have STDs?

If you are sure you do not have an STD, you could have a bacterial urinary infection or you may have a yeast problem. If yeast is the problem and you are still having unprotected sex, you are exchanging the yeast back and forth. Men can be carriers of yeast with or without symptoms (asymptomatic). Do not have any more unprotected sex, because STD's is the minimal ailment you can receive without protection. Please protect yourself!

Could you still be pregnant if you have had two periods this month and received a negative blood test from a doctor 5 weeks after intercourse?

No, unless you have had unprotected sex since then. Please remember to protect yourself. Always wear a condom.

What are early pregnancy symptoms 1 day after intercourse?

I had sex 4 times yesterday and twice today all unprotected. I'm having stomach pains and tightening, sore breats, fatigue, nausea, back pain and head ache. Please help!

I got chlamydia from your boyfriend but at the same time I contracted it from him he ejaculated inside me Am I pregnant?

Hello, Unfortunately noone on here can tell you if you're pregnant or not. The only way to find out is by performing a urine pregnancy test or by seeing your Doctor for a Quantitative beta HCG pregnancy blood test. You will need to ask your Doctor specifically for this blood test & the test can be performed as early as 7 days after suspected conception has taken place. With the urine pregnancy test (HPT) you are best performing the test when you miss your period or wait a few weeks & perform the test 3 weeks after you last had unprotected sex. Please don't be alarmed as not every Woman becomes pregnant the first time she has unprotected sex - only a slim majority do. However you can become pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex so please consider one of the above testing methods asap.

Is it a sin to clear your aura And are you really cleansing it or unshielding yourself unprotected. Is it really its evil?

Please explain the concept of "clearing your aura." It sounds like some New Age hooey designed to get you to embrace the rather more lucrative (for the person getting you to do it) practice of "emptying your wallet."

I just got my very first birth control shot and they told me to wait 2 weeks b4 having unprotected sex because i could still get prego. i had sex 2 days b4 the 2 weeks was up. could i be prego?

Will someone please answe this question!

Is it possible to be pregnant if you were on the pill for eight days then had seven days off then were on the pill for three days then had unprotected sex?

Yes, it is possible. Please discuss your options with your health care provider, and, since taking the pill regularly is difficult for you, talk about methods that might better fit your lifestyle.