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i have a carin terrier and he is friendly and great around kids.

( just so you know a carin terrier is like toto from the wizard of oz

An American pit bull terrier would be an excellent choice for households with children. They may seem intimidating, but are actually overpoweringly friendly and loving dogs. If you do not like this dog, the poodle, labrador retriever, and Kerry blue terrier do not bark often and are great with children.

also a border terrier is brill because they love to play and are very friendly and don't bark alot. i know because i have one to and he is super with me and my bro.

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Q: I have 4 sisters and im getting a dog so what is a good breed to have aroung my sisters one that doesn't bark a lot What is a good dog breed to have around children?
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What do humans use ants for?

In some countries like Thailand ants are cooked in a soup with fish and eaten as a delicacy.And also in America and/or Mexico there are chocolate coverd ants.

A purple finch laid eggs on your back porch but she flies off every time you go outside so will the eggs be able to survive with these fequent interruptions in incubation?

prob not; either stop going out the back door and instead go aroung your house or forget about the birds and hope that by some miracle the mother finch will get used 2 U

Why do cats go under blankets?

well my cat did her name was nalla she was white and yellow light yellow aroung her ears. on 12/18/08 she died she got killed by some wild dogs we have around our house Cats like texture. They will find a blanket or rug or couch that has the texture that they like. One of our cats has a specific blanket she likes. Doesn't matter where the blanket is, that's the one she wants. Some cats actually like to burrow under a blanket when it is really cold.

How much exercise does a Papillon Dog need?

This dog needs about and hour to two hours or romp and play, each day,(depending on age) older dogs don't need that much, but if you have a younger dog (not a puppy) needs about an hour and a half or play each day. older dogs should do fine with a daily walk aroung the block and some playtime with toys.

How much are horses?

Horses do cost a bit of money. Obviously it would be waaay more expensive if you were to get a champion dressage stallion than a feral/pet horse.Pet horses cost the least amount of money. they can be from aroung $200 ~$1000. Regular riding horses are usually $1500 ~ $10,000. Competition horses are $10,000 +. Professional horses are best left to proffessionals.Factors such as;breedagegenderyears of trainingheritagecompetition resultsinjuriestempermentconformationcan change the price of the horse.Keeping the horse is also a bit of money. Usually about $12,000 ++ a year.Things like the horse, the boarding place, your home, competing or non-competing are also factors.Again showing also depends on what kind you are doing. (search how much do horse shows cost)

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