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16 months is NOT OLD at all. He is definantly at a good age to learn something. If you keep talking to him he will learn to speak and even interact in clear words. Keep trying and see if you succeed!

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Q: I have a Cockatiel he is 16 months old he whistles a little but does not talk is he to old to learn?
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When do cockatiels mimick?

I have a pet cockatiel, and after a week she won't shut up. She doesn't really sing, but whistles alot. If you whistle the same thing over, she'll learn how to say it. I taught her the wolf whistle, it's really funny! Male cockatiels are more vocal, though.

Can female cockatiel birds whistle?

Yes, they can learn.

How do birds learn songs?

The Birds can only learn whistles and hoots. They learn them by attempting to mock voice pitch.

Can cockatiels sit on bluebird eggs and raise them?

Well, it depends on if the cockatiel is willing to raise the egg that is obviously not it's egg. If it is, then the bluebird chick will learn how to live life as a cockatiel. The bluebird will never have a crest, but it will learn the cockatiel's language as it's own and think it is a cockatiel because that is the type of bird it is living with. However, if you had a wild cockatiel and you set a bluebird egg in with the other eggs, the cockatiel would reject the eggs because they do not look right or smell right, and would drop the egg out of the nest. I hope that answered your question. :) - Emily Sage

If I take phlebotomy courses, what will I learn to do?

In phlebotomy classes you will learn how to draw blood. You will also learn about anatomy and blood collection techniques. The training can take as little as 2-4 months.

How do you train a cockatiel from pooping on you?

Training a cockatiel to not poop on you, or other furniture is practically impossible. If you want to try though, train it almost as you would a dog. When your cockatiel poops on you, blow on it or spray him/her with water. Whatever you do DON'T yell at it(loudly say NO! or BAD!) this teaches the bird to say these words instead of disiplining it. Cockatiels learn words and phrases better when they are loud so don't yell at it. Just do something he doesn't like. Hope this helps a little.

How do cockatiel to stop biting?

Try using a nail polish, this will stop you, or using creams that leave a bad taste in your mouth. Learn more at

When does a newborn baby learn to crawl?

Babies will learn to crawl at a variety of ages, ranging from 6 months to 13 months.

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How do you get past 6 months?

last 6 months was good because i learn lot of things from my superior as well as friends and i learn how to improve knowledge and our self.

How old are penguins when they learn to swim?

Penguins ususally learn to swim at 2 months old

What is a good website to find information about cockatiels?

You could go to this website has everything you need to know if you want to learn about your pet cockatiel! This website shows information on how to take care of them.