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Please stay away from this kind of thing. It will drive you nuts! Do not let yourself get sucked into this. It could open up issues you wish you had never gotten yourself into. Go about your daily life as normal. My personal opinion is, have faith in God, He is the one who will protect you. Been there, done that! The more you concentrate on spirits, the more you will open yourself up to them. Like I said, the best thing you can do is not pay attention to this and just go on with your normal live. Your friend is not going to like this answer, but it comes from experience. He should be careful of this himself. It is clearly written, that we should not get involved with what is referred to as familiar spirits. Once you open yourself up to this, it will be very difficult to get yourself out. You do not need this in your life, believe me.

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Q: I have a friend who sees spirits and told me there was a spirit where I work. Last night he gave me what he called a mage stone and said it would protect me. Can someone tell me what that is?
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