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It could be that you feel more comfortable and those you have a deeper emotional connection with at home.Ê You could try joing clubs or study groups to get to know your peers better and work toward developing these relationships with them.

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Q: I have a lot maybe too many emotions when I am at home but when I am at school I have no emotions towards anyone What is this because it is really affects me making good friends?
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How does humanism affect us?

the way humanism affects us is by the way we think and our action towards other people.

What is a D personality?

Type D personality, a concept used in the field of medical psychology, is defined as the joint tendency towards negative affectivity (e.g. worry-4, irritability, gloom-1) and social-inhibition(e.g. modestyand a lack of self-confidence-1). The letter D stands for stress.Individuals with a Type D personality have the tendency to experience increased negative emotions across time and situations and tend not share these emotions with others, because of fear of rejection or disapproval.

Why is love a very close emotion to hate?

Love is often considered to be an emotion that is extremely close to hate. In both emotions, one has a strong feeling towards someone or something. The opposite of hate is often considered indifference.

Who agrees with Ivan Pavlov's theory?

=i agree with him because yh i think that you can control your response and behaviour towards things.=

Is a psychologist a mind reader or not?

Mind- reading involves more intuition versus exploratory analysis of behavior and feelings. Psychologists will guide you through your feelings and emotions and work together to develop a better understanding towards the same. This is very different from mind- reading, where mind- readers tell you what exactly is going on in your mind at that moment. It involves psychological aspects of the use of cognitive and perceptual abilities, but it is different from therapy, in that it includes an exploration of behavior and related emotions, while working through them.

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He was probably showing off to his friends. Guys try to impress their friends and you should tell him that you don't want him to talk about you like that, because it shows disrespect towards you and towards your relationship with each other.

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yes and no because they are friends when they aren't singing

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It's just natural for humans to do that because they feel connected when the kiss as humans have mouth senses it stimulates them to make love and expresses there feelings towards each other.

How does the unequal heating of Earth's surface affect the ocean currents?

It affects ocean currents because the sun hits the equator directly unlike towards the poles where they get less sun because they are farther away.

Should you tell your guy friend you like them?

You shoul lay it on slow like ask them if they want to go to the dance with you as friends. Then ask them to dance with you. Next ask your friend to ask him if he has any loving emotions towards you. If yes! Date away! If not make him!

Why do best friends fall in love?

Best friends originally gravitate towards each other because they have a lot in common. Then as you mature and become closer sometimes fall in love. It can be a pain in the butt. I know from experience but just make sure as you become lovers you remain best friends because you can be both.

What emotions are associated with prejudice?

Emotions associated with prejudice can include fear, anger, hatred, superiority, and judgment. These emotions often stem from stereotypes, biases, and a lack of understanding or empathy towards others who are perceived as different.

What is the importance of emotional intelligence for managers?

Emotional Intelligence is especially targeted towards managers or people in leadership positions because they are often involved in communications with many. The better and more efficient communications are, the better the workplace. Understanding one's emotions and others' emotions helps the manager form responses appropriately.

What is the difference between mixed emotions and ambivalent emotions?

Mixed emotions involve feeling two or more different emotions at the same time, such as happiness and sadness. Ambivalent emotions refer to having conflicting feelings about a single situation or person, like feeling both love and hatred towards someone.

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It affects them because you are saying something bad directly towards them, which they may take offence to. They could go into depression, or even commit suicide in more serious cases.

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The crowd's attitude towards Charles changes dramatically because they are informed of his selfless act of sacrificing his own life to save Darnay. This act of bravery and generosity contrasts with their previous negative perceptions of him, leading to a shift in their opinions and emotions towards him.