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Yes, it is still possible that you are pregnant. You will need to go to a doctor and have them draw blood to show that you are or have been pregnant recently. After 3 days they can do the blood test again and if your levels are still rising, then you are still pregnant. If they are falling, then you are no longer pregnant. Some people fail to show a positive on a pee type pregnancy test for up to 6 months, although it is /very/ rare.

It is also possible that you have what is called a "hydatidiform mole" type pregnancy which means you are not carrying a viable baby, and that your hormone levels will be totally messed up. Your nausea would be much worse that with a normal pregancy, and you might not show as pregnant on a pee test.

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Q: I have all the pregnancy symptoms of 5 weeks but i can't get a positive result am i pregnant?
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Why would a pregnancy test not give you either answer?

A pregnancy test can only give you "a negative result" (probably not pregnant) or "a positive result" which indicates the likelihood of pregnancy. Only a blood test or physical examination can confirm a positive result (definitely pregnant). There are some conditions which have pregnancy symptoms, and very rare conditions under which pregnancy is not immediately detectable after fetal development begins.

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You wouldn't. You wouldn't be getting any symptoms yet and you couldn't get a positive result on a pregnancy test

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Not necessarily. Every Pregnancy is different, and therefore the symptoms and other factors will usually be different as well. But If you have been pregnant before it will be alot easier for you to get pregnant again.. Especially if it is with the same person. Good Luck

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If you've had sex, you can be pregnant. The best way to tell is to take a home-pregnancy test and if you get a positive result to go to your doctor to confirm. There are many different symptoms of pregnancy, but these symptoms can indicate other medical issues as well. The surest way to know is to visit your doctor.

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you could be but most likely not. pregnancy symptoms are so common and sometimes mock pre menstrual symptoms (pms). you should get a positive result on a pregnancy test by now if you are.

One positive one negative result no period and pregnancy symptoms are you pregnant?

As I was once told, "a positive is a positive"The body produced a hormone called HCG only when pregnant.HCG is the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone is what a pregnancy test detects. It stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. During a normal pregnancy, the HCG levels will steadily rise throughout pregnancy.

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Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

Can Urinary track infection causes fake positive result of pregnancy blood test?

No, UTI does not cause a false positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests are very specific to hCG (the pregnancy hormone), if the test reads positive you are pregnant.

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If you take a pregnancy test in front of him and show him the positive result, it is quite likely!

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Yes, it is possible to have pregnancy symptoms before a positive HOME test. Even through home pregnancy test are better now than years ago, they are not fool proof. The best way to get a true result is to go to the doctor.

If you are ovulating and you take a pregnancy test will it show up pregnant?

NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Can a psychologic pregnancy affect a pregnancy test?

With a phantom, or psychological, pregnancy, you will NOT get a positive result. HCG in your system is caused by a growing embryo and if it is postitive, you do have a baby in there. A phantom pregnancy is where you basically fool your mind and body into thinking it is pregnant, when you are not. You will still experience pregnancy symptoms but you are not actually pregnant. It is all in your head. It may cause your period to delay, your breasts to become sore, "morning sickness" to occur but it will not cause your body to release HCG.