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Q: I have been dreams about being a werewolf and now im having something to do with the simptomes?
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What if you are having very weird boy dreams?

No problem, nobody else knows what you dream about unless you tell them. If you are worried by your dreams remember that they are just dreams and you have no control of them so don't be embarrassed if you've dreamt of having sex with another boy or something. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are gay, lots of boys have occasional dreams like that.

Why am I afraid of my hallway When i walk I feel something and I have been having dreams where there is a girl or sometimes a boy in my hallway looking at me and It repeats until I wake up?

you are seeing the spirits that are in your house in your dreams.

What does it mean when you dream that you are crying a lot?

You might be having something that it upseting you in your life right now that is causing dreams like this

Why are you having random dreams?

That's what dreams are, random pieces of information.

Why do you keep having dreams of your girlfriend flirting with guys?

Perhaps you keep having these dreams but you don't completly trust your girlfriend yet. If you get to now her, maybe the dreams will end.

Why do you keeping having dreams of the boy band one direction?

because maybe its telling you something or maybe your a big fan of one direction

Why am i having dreams about my boyfriends ex?

Maybe you're jealous of her? Did she and your boyfriend have something you two do not? Think about what she's doing in the dream and try to interpret it from there.

What does it mean when you ex and boyfriend are in your dreams?

I've heard dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you something. Perhaps you still have feelings for your ex? Maybe a unresolved conflict? or just pure coincidence.

What does it mean when you see something and you dream about it?

Dreams often reflect the thoughts, emotions and experiences of the day. Things that are seen in waking life often appear in dreams without having any special significance. ... See attached link for more information about how dreams work.

Has anyone had reoccurring flying dreams and realize that you are flying it feels like an obe what do you think?

Yea! I've had a few dreams like that. its pretty cool but it doesnt happen alot. I love having those type of dreams.i heard it means something about freedom and accomplishing something...

What does it mean when you have a dream of a coworker having no arms?

It means you have weird dreams. If dreams "mean" anything at all and are not just random neurons firing in your brain, they're probably related to how you think or feel about something. Perhaps you feel that coworker is not very helpful, and your dream translated that into him having no arms, making him literally unable to "give you a hand". Or something like that. You get the idea.

How do werewolves reproduce?

Werewolves under go sexual reproduction just as humans or wolves typically would. Also, werewolves can be created from a human being bitten by a werewolf or from a human having sex with a werewolf. A human will only become a werewolf during sex if the werewolf wills the human to change.