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Dead skin OR mucous build up, just clean it with and alcohol wipe and hopefully it will loosen up. Only time you have to worry about an infection if puss/blood leaks from it and an odour comes from it.

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Q: I have had my septum pierced for 5 months and for a day now it's been feeling stiff. Dead skin cells or possible infection?
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I got my belly button pierced about 3 months ago and was okay now it has a grey circle around the top ball where it is filled with puss how do i get rid of the puss?

Sea salt soaks should help knock out an infection, but it is important that you have it checked out by a professional.

How long does it take for ear piercing to close up if it had when pierced for 12 years?

I think about 3 or 2 months, even in a few weeks. To keep em' pierced, just use an earring to make a hole. It's a whole alota cheapa'

Is it possible that ear piercing holes may close after 5 months of wearing earrings. I would like to remove my 6 year old daughters earrings because they are uneven Thanks kindly?

Yes it is. To increase the chances, use BioOil, emu oil, Vitamin E oil, or jojoba oil to massage the ears and close the piercing. I wouldn't get them repierced until she is older because when babies get their ears pierced, they usually shift and become uneven because their bodies grow so much. Its a better idea to use stickers or clip-ons and she can get them pierced when she's ready :D

How old do you have to be to be to get your belly pierced?

You don't have to be a certain age to get a belly button piercing, just like any other piercing. I got my ears pierced when i was eight months old! That's not true. It varies between states in the U.S. There's a difference between ear piercings and body/facial piercings. In Idaho, for example, you have to be 14 with parent's consent. I'm not sure about other states. Actually, it depends where you live, im 12 i got mine done at the end of year 7 (:

Did Michelangelo know William Shakespeare?

It is not possible, since W Shakespeare was born in 1564, about two months after Michelangelo died.

Related questions

Can you still get an infection after 6 months or 1 year of having pierced ears?

i think 6 months or even sooner.

I want to get my belly pierced how long do you have to wait before you can get into a public swimming pool?

As long as possible but at least 2-3 months. Pools are FILLED with bacteria and swimming greatly increases the risk of infection

When can you get your ears pierced when your a baby?

When your about nine months but i had mine pierced a few hours after my birth but nine months is recommended age

When can you where dangles after you get your ears pierced?

The lady who pierced my ears said 4 months

Im just now 3 months pregnant why are you lacktating?

If your breast are leaking at 3 months it may not be milk at all, but discharge. It is possible you have an infection.

Why does your lip hurt 3 months after you pierced it?

Is it red or swollen?, if so it could be rejecting.. if not do you clean it regularly ? Oral piercings are susceptible to an infection. if it is really concerning you go to your doctor... or wait for four days to clean it more often then what you cleaned it then if it still hurts i suggest you go to where you got it pierced and ask them to check it out, but if that don't help see you doctor and if it is infection then your doctor might suggest that you take it out

How old you have to be to get your ears pierced?

the youngest is 2 months old

How long after you get your nipples pierced can you take out the jewelry to change it?

6 months

Can you donate blood if you had your nose pierced 6 months ago?


How old should your child be when she gets her ears pierced?

at lesat 2 months

How long until you can swim when getting your ears pierced?

2-3 months

Swollen Cartilage after being pierced for 4 months.?

Got my cartilage pierced 4 months ago. I had a keloid, so I switched from the surgical steel that they pierced it with, to gold. It's a hoop. Red and swollen. Keloid is gone and there is no puss. Is it still healing and just irritated? Or could the hoop be too tight?