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Puberty is not an instant transition. It is a gradual process that takes time. Different people progress through the stages of puberty at different rates. If you have begun progressing through the stages of puberty, but are not yet able to ejaculate, don't worry about it. It is very likely that you will be able to within a few years.

If you feel you have completed the transition of puberty, and are still not able to ejaculate, (which would be very rare) then you should be examined by a doctor to see what the problem is.

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Q: I have hit puberty and no semen comes out?
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What age are boys supposed to produce semon?

You mean Semen and guys start to produce semen when they hit puberty, the average ages of puberty is at 12-14 but alot hit it earlier at 10 years of age.

When sperm come out of you dick does that mean you hit puberty?

Well, yes, but it is called, "Semen", which in boys is a clear to milky liquid that contains spermatazoa, or just sperm cells.

Can someone that has not gone through puberty semen?

Yes before puberty you can produce semen. But this semen may not contain any fertile mature sperm.

Why doesn't com come out when you get hard as a 13 year old teen?

You have to hit puberty before your body can produce semen (cum).

Males manufacture after the onset of puberty?

After the onset of puberty, males produce semen.

Can immature sperm fertilize en egg?

If you have reached puberty the sperm is mature. Before puberty you have semen but no sperm. To see if the sperm is no good when it comes to impregnate someone that can only be seen in a microscope.

When does the sperm come out of your penis?

Semen is there before you enter puberty and the sperms are made when you hit puberty. It comes out when you orgasm. And please don't think just because you're producing sperm that you're ready for sex. Sex is better in your later teens, so you can enjoy it more, and ALWAYS use protection.

Im 12 years old you havent hit puberty but can come semen how long away are you from puyberty please help?

if you really are cumming with semen you have hit puberty, other outward signs my be slow (for you) in showing up, but with-in 6 mouths or so you should see more pubic hair and body hair in general, you'll get tailer, voice will deepen all of that fun stuff.

How can semen be detected?

Go to your local clinic or sperm bank. They will check for 'fertility' of your sperm and such. ;)

How old will i be when semen come out?

Puberty. 12, or 13 probably.

How can you produce sperm?

You can produce sperm in your semen once puberty has begun. Before puberty begins you will not be able to produce semen. The testes will produce the sperm when the secondary sexual characteristics are ready.

You are 13 and not gone through puberty does pre-ejaculate have sperm in it?

Yes, it can. Of course, not as much as the ejaculate of semen that comes next. It is often enough to make a girl pregnant.