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You have to wait till you have quite a few regular cycles before you can calculate your probable ovulation date. It can take quite a few months after removal of any long-term contraceptive implant for your cycle to actually regulate, and a few more cycles before you even ovulate properly. Some people are lucky enough to regulate right away.

I myself had the implanon, but went on the pill straight after getting it out to regulate my cycle. Also, the Mirena wasn't around then!

I've since had the Mirena removed after 5 years in place, 4 months ago now and my cycle still isn't regular. I bled the day it was out for 8 days, had another 5 day bleed 6 days later, started another 5day bleed 41days later, the next one 36 days later and this cycle is 30 days and still nothing. (cycles 14 days, 41 days, 36 days and ?days)

A good way to start checking if you are actually ovulating is to take your temperature at the same time every day. You will learn to know what is normal for you this way. When your temperature is slightly raised for a few days in a row, you are probably near ovulation. Also, your cervical mucus will be stringy and clear with a consistency similar to egg whites, around ovulation.

If it is slightly higher than normal, and stays that way for about two weeks, this could mean that you are in fact pregnant!

Sperm can live in the body for up to seven days.

After you have a few regular cycles, if you and your partner have sex two or three times a week and you are not pregnant after a year, then you should go and see your doctor.

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Q: I have just had the implanon removed and so no periods yet How will I know when I'm pregnant and to calulate my ovulation?
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Get a ovulation kit they tell you when your ovulating and increase the chance of getting pregnant good luck hope for the best in the future!

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You can get pregnant after your first ovulation before you even bleed yet so by now you have ovulated 3 times so yes, you could get pregnant.

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It will change your periods but they will still be there but you will just have them at different times of the month.

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you can potentially get pregnant at any time of the month if you have unprotected sex. your chances are higher closer to ovulation. you can potentially get pregnant at any time of the month if you have unprotected sex. your chances are higher closer to ovulation. If your periods are regular say 28 days a cycle and generally are not erratic. then very close to you next due date when you will be getting periods...or just about four to five days before onset of periods you will not conceive. all the same some women do get pregnant so it cannot be relied upon entirely.

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when a person is having unprotected sex, the chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, no matter what the regulation of periods or ovulation dates are.

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yes,ovulation can occur at any point in your cycle. Headaches are a common symptom of pregnancy. If you feel you may be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your doctor.

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