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Q: I have many Pokemon cards from around 1996-1997 i was wondering what the price range would be for one of the cards?
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Related questions

What are packets in Pokemon?

If you mean Pokemon card packs than they are small packs of pokemon cards that come in boxes, sets or individuals. But if you are still wondering about What are Packets or Pokemon, there is unfortunately no such thing..... yet.

How are Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh alike?

Pokemon walk around and bond with pokemon yugioh I think is just cards?

Are there shadow Pokemon cards?

There is not shadow Pokemon card but there is dark Pokemon cards.

What are shadowless Pokemon cards?

shadowless Pokemon cards are very rare and they have no shadows I HAVE THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SHADOWLESS POKEMON CARDS

When you open a Pokemon card pack how to you shuffle it to rare and reverse?

turn the 10 cards around and take three cards and then take two and put the three cards where the two cards were.

What is the likeliness of getting a star Rayquaza Pokemon card in a regular pack of cards?

The official likeliness is 1 in every 400,000 packs of Pokemon cards : ) It's worth around $300!

Are Pokemon in yu-gi-oh cards?

No. there are Pokemon cards. then there ar yugioh cards. they are different

How much is 350 Pokemon cards worth?

It depends what the Pokemon cards are.

Are Pokemon trainer cards rare?

No they are not. I have been collecting Pokemon cards for almost my whole life and majority of the cards are trainer cards.

Can you get free Pokemon cards?

There is a possiblity that someone will give you free pokemon cards.

What is the max hp for Pokemon cards?

The max HP for Pokemon cards are 200HP

What are Pokemon cards with g on them?

Pokemon cards with g on them means it is from team galactic