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There is a small chance you could be pregnant but with your period you can get dizzy, have cramps, bloating, headaches, backaches, and feel like you are pregnant. The best way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

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Q: I have my period and am very dizzy with other pregnancy symptoms - can I be pregnant?
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If you have symptoms of pregnancy such as light headed and dizzy but still get a light period with cramps after one week of discharge can you be pregnant?

Hello there. Yes you can be pregnant. I would do a pregnancy test this week. If the test is faint positive or dark positive - see your doctor for confirmation. If the test is negative see your doctor for a blood test.

If you have symptoms of pregnancy such as light headed neasea and dizzy but still get a period after one week of discharge can you be pregnant even if a test came up negative?

still could be, you should see a doctor and have a blood test done

Is there a chance that you can be pregnant. if you have your period feel light headed dizzy urinate frequently and have bad cramps?

Definitely. Take a pregnancy test.

One week pregnant and feeling nausea but no other symptoms is that normal?

Nausea and vomiting are very normal during the first week of pregnancy. Sore breasts/nipples, frequent urination, Dizzy, constipated. All early signs of being pregnant. Of course the ultimate clue you are pregnant is missed period.

I have been really dizzy and been eating then having diarreha the past week. I have had my period and on birth control. Is there still a possibility that i could be pregnant?

Dizziness and diarrhea are most likely caused by viral illness. They are not signs of pregnancy. A missing period and positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

How does it fell to get your period?

well you can get drowsy, dizzy headache's, but many people get different symptoms

If you did a pregnancy test and its negative but feeling tired and dizzy and five days over your period left pill last week halfway through could you be pregnant?

If you did a pregnancy test and it was negative but you still feel tired, dizzy, and are five days over when your period should have started, you should take another home pregnancy test. You could be late because you stopped taking your birth control pills half way through.

You are getting headaches heartburn flaky nipples light headed feeling dizzy gettng white dischrge are your pregnant with all these symptoms?

You don't have to be pregnant with all of these symptoms, I have these symptoms a lot and I am not pregnant. It's very normal for me but I have some other problems. Consult your doctor if you think your pregnant.

How can you tell when your pregnant without throwing up?

You will NOT throw up the next morning after having sex. It takes 7 days for the Embryo to implant in your uterus and start releasing the pregnancy hormone HCG. Once this hormone is being released the pregnancy symptoms will start. Pregnancy symptoms are: Missed period. Extra vaginal discharge. Feeling or being sick. Headaches. Tiredness. Excessive urination. Dizzy spells. Bloatedness or extra wind. Heartburn. Spotting bleeding. Abdominal cramps. A woman may have all or none of these symptoms (except missing a period). If you think you may be pregnant take a test when you miss a period. Spotting bleeding is NOT a sign of pregnancy. It is always abnormal whether pregnant or not. It is not unusual, there are various causes, but it is not normal.

What are signs I'm pregnant?

you miss your period, you may feel sick in the morning, dizzy or lightheaded if you haven't eaten anything in more than 4 hours. you might get the hiccups, and still feel like you have period cramps. if you type in pregnancy symptoms in your search engine there will be way more info. i am pregnant and as soon as i was 4 days late for my period i went out and got a pregnancy test. you don't need an expensive one either, the store brand works just as well as the one that costs 25 dollars. if your test is positive make an appointment at your gynecologist right away.

What are the symptoms of a pregnant woman with her period?

well i thought i might add a little comment. I don't know if it would help or not. When i first got pregnant with my son believe it or not i didnt get no symptoms i played gym everyday up until we found out i was pregnant and i was 71/2 months pregnant. After we told that's when my belly blew up. So basically i what im trying to say is maybe you might not have symptoms. Although you may feel dizzy and feel like your gonna faint.

Been dizzy exhausted nauseous and cry at the drop of a hat but you still got your period are you pregnant?

It's probably just because of your period