

Best Answer

NO WAY! you might want to trash them...unless you already served them...

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Q: I have several cook and serve Jello pudding mixes that expired in 2005 and 2006 and in 2008 can they still be used?
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Is there gluten in pudding?

yes ready made pudding mixes contain gluten

Can you still use expired cake mixes if kept in fridge?

You should never keep cake mixes (or any dry goods) in the fridge. The moisture will cause mold to grow in it.

Where do you buy custord jello?

Any grocery market Walmart or local convenience stores. Check in the section where powders and mixes are stored.

What are some good Christmas holiday desserts recipes?

There are many Christmas desserts that come from the traditions of various countries. Yule log cakes, fruit cake, fig pudding, gingerbread houses, decorated sugar and gingerbread cookies are just a few.

How could you successfully make jello with pineapple in it?

You have to cook the pineapple first. Jello won't solidify if you add fresh pineapple.Because pineapples contain proteases, enzymes that break down proteins. Since jello mixes are mostly made of collagen from animal parts, or proteins, pineapples break them down to their simplest forms. When you boil pineapple, it denatures the protease and you should be able to make pineapple jello then.

Can bugs grow in expired cake mixes?

Yes. Cake mixes have flour and old flour can get "weavells" not sure if spelling correct. These are microscopic tiny black/brown bugs and can be seen in white flour as greyish specs. Ugh!

Are sugar free powdered drink mixes good after expiration date?

It has an expiration date for a reason. I would say nothing is good to ingest after it's expired.

Can you use cake mixes with experation dates one year old?

Once something has expired (especially after more than a week or two), it is best not to use it anymore.

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i have no idea as he mixes several belief systems together.

How do you make a swirl in a cake with two different cake mixes?

A good way to do it is to take a bowl and spoon in white chocolate pudding on one half and regular chocolate pudding on the other half. Then, using a spoon or toothpick or fork or butterknife, carefully create a swil, mixing the two.

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It's called "North" by Paul Mounsey. There are several different edits/mixes.

Why CO2 is more in alveolar air than expired air?

CO2 is more concentrated in alveolar air compared to expired air because gas exchange occurs in the lungs where oxygen is taken up by the blood and CO2 is released into the alveoli. Additionally, more CO2 is produced in the body through cellular respiration, contributing to its higher concentration in alveolar air.