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You've been EXTREMELY lucky! If I were you, I wouldn't continue using it, because it's NOT reliable!

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Q: I have used the pullout method for 5 years and it has worked when do you think it will stop working?
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How dangerous is the pullout method?

EXTREMELY dangerous, so don't even THINK about using it!

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Why is teenage pregnancy so high in todays society?

it is because some people do not think e.g teenagers that are in love with each other. another is because some men think that is is good to have you no what with other people and like a lot and decide they will do it with a younger age. Alot of people at young ages seem to find it better to not wear condoms and try methods like the pullout method, which is a stuipid method because alot of people think it may work.

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy and how possible is it with the pullout method?

The pull out method is more like a method to get pregnant to be honest. There's pre-cum that he can not feel and it's there to clean the urethra before the actual ejaculation. The earliets signs differ from woman to woman. Some feel sick from the first day pretty much while others don't. Not getting your period is a sign. If you think you are pregnant you can take a test 10-14 days after sex the earliest for it to be reliable.

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