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I suggest you go see a doctor as soon as possible. You might get a concussion.

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Q: I hit my head 5 days ago and the pain is getting worse it hurts to blink eat and yawn.?
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i would say your belly button hurts more. because i have had both of them done and my tongue got sprayed with numbing spray so i couldn't really feel it but your tongue hurts more afterwards whilst its swelled up, you can only eat liquid foods for some days until the swelling has gone down and you do talk a bit weird for a few days. but as your getting it done i would say belly button hurts more.

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Rub on some aloe gel, or just wait it out. But by far, the best treatment for sunburn is prevention. Everybody knows that a sunburn hurts for a few days, and will be followed up by peeling. But the damage done to your skin is much, much worse than that. Always use sunscreen and avoid getting burned if at all possible.

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i changed mine a few days after getting it done, bad idea. it hurts. its recommended 6 - 8 weeks.

What do you do when you hit your head and after 2 days it still hurts?

Consults a doctor.