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Pregnancy is counted by LMP for doctors convenience. Your baby was conceived when you ovulated about 2 weeks later. Don't worry the baby will be born when she is ready.

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Q: I just found out I'm pregnant but I don't think I should go by my last period because I know I didn't conceive then what do I do?
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Can you conceive the morning of your period?

Yes, period or not, you can conceive a child. Even if someone hasn't started their period they can get pregnant because they never know when they're about to start. No one should use their period as an excuse to have unprotected sex.

If you stop taking your birth control because you think you're pregnant should you get your period?

If you're pregnant, then you won't get your period

Can you conceive 4 days before your expected period?

You cannot get pregnant 4 days before your period. You get pregnant when you ovulate and that is usually 14 days before your period. 4 days before your period there is no egg to be fertilised.However, you can get pregnant 4 days before the theoretical date when you should be getting your period if your cycle was perfectly regular. You may ovulate later or earlier than usual at any time (it happens a lot) and you can get pregnant at any point.Regardless of when you conceive, home pregnancy tests usually work two weeks after conception. If your cycles are irregular and you are not sure when you ovulated or when to expect your period, testing once a week up to the moment when you get you period is a good idea.

Can you conceive a day before your period and experience spotting?

You can conceive at any time throughout your cycle, including during your menstrual period. Spotting generally occurs during implantation and other times throughout a pregnancy. Spotting can also occur just before or just after a menstrual period. If you are concerned you may be pregnant, you should obtain a pregnancy test.

How long should you wait after removing the NuvaRing to try and get pregnant?

There is no need to wait to conceive after stopping NuvaRing. You can get pregnant as soon as you like.

Can taking a pregnancy test during your period tell you if your pregnant?

Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.

How long should it take to get a period after stopping continuous birth control?

It can take up to three months for your period to return after stopping hormonal birth control such as depo provera or the pill. Any longer than this and you should talk to your doctor. Even if you do not have your period, you can still become pregnant so should take precautions if you are not trying to conceive.

How soon should you try and conceive after first day of period?

About 14 days after the first day of your period is when you are fertile.

How can you conceive while on depo?

Hopefully, you will not conceive while you are on depo, since it is a drug that you should not have while pregnant since it may cause birth defects. Wait until you have a good home situation before becoming pregnant.

When after a missed period should a pregnancy test be taken?

When you miss a period , you should take a pregnancy test at once, because you could very well be pregnant.

What are the symptoms you should feel if your on your period and maybe you are also pregnant?

If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

Should you have intercouse daily to conceive?

If you really want to conceive then you should have sex as much as possible while you are fertile. This will give you a better chance of getting pregnant. Try to just have sex, no foreplay because this can tire you and that means less sex time; lowering chances of conceiving. Good Luck :)