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Maybe the fish have been starved of protein. That is a common cause of fin nipping. Try feeding the fish some live food like Brine shrimps (Artemia). If that fails then the offending fish should be placed in a small container and floated in the tank for a few days and then released to see if that has changed its behaviour. Don't forget to replace its water several times daily though.

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Q: I just got 4 Serpae tetra two Otocinclus and a dwarf red gourami one of the tetra is nipping the gouramis tail what can do?
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I just got 4 Serpae tetra two Otocinclus and a dwarf red gourami one of the tetra is nipping the gourami's tail what to do?

It is quite possible that the fish have been half starved if you got them from a pet shop. After a few days of being looked after and fed properly the fin nipping could stop. If it doesn't I would net the offending Serpae and pop it into a livebearer brood container for a few days to give it time to cool down and let the Gourami settle in to its surroundings.

Are swordtails fish semi aggressive?

I have never had any problems with swordtails. I have 1 male and 2 females in a tank with 2 angelfish, 1 serpae tetra, 1 blue gourami, 1 dalmatian molly and 1 mickey mouse platy. There will always be exceptions to the rule but, as far as my experiences go, they are not.

What is a type of fish that starts with s and ends with e?

the saddle fish serpae fish shortnose fish shovelnose fish Siamese fish

Can a serpae tetra live with a betta crowntail in a 8 gallon tank. tetra is being harassed in 36 ga tank with other new tetra fish?

No, don't risk it. Serpae tetras are fin-nippers and they'll constantly stress out your Betta. Especially in a small tank such as an 8 gallon, I would find something else to go with the serpaes. (:

How do you tell the difference between male and female Serpae Tetras?

The way you can tell a difference between the male and the female is because the female has orange eyes and a yellow throat, but with a male Spotted Turtle it has brown eyes and a tanned throat

If neon tetras have been added but attacked by resident serpae tetras and half the neons were killed but after a day the serpaes ignore the remaining neons can you put some more neons in safely?

You answered your own question, the key word is "resident" fish, you can feed the fish that are all ready in the tank to distract the resident fish, you can move objects around so all the fish are not confortable in the tank and the last item you could do is take all the fish out and put the serpae in last, any of the above will add to the success of new fish being added to the tank. To answer the last part of your question, if the resident fish did it once there is no reason for them not to do it again. Good Luck.

What are the prettiest fish to keep in a freshwater aquarium?

I like neon tetras because they look really cool and different with their blue and red colors. They look like they are fake, though. It is really your choice, not mine. I like the fish named Guppy.

What tropical fish is all black?

Serpae Tetra's are red with a black dot on their side.Red phantom tetras are similar in appearance to that of the serpaes but their dot bares the resemblance of an eye.Rummy nose tetra's also are red and black in their coloration. The rummy noses have a red dot under their eye and a black and white checkerboard pattern on their tails.

How do serpae tetras survive?

They are similar to all the other Tetras in their requirements. They like pH6.8 medium to soft water and a temp around 78F. Then keep to the rules below.:-The basic rules of fishkeeping are :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Provided you stick to the above rules, keep the fish at the correct temperature for their species, and feed them properly your fish stand a good chance of survival. Fail in any and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick.

What is the best kind of fish for 30 gallon aquarium?

Your choice, check out your local pet store to see what you like. Check with the staff if you have any compatibility questions regarding putting different groups of fish together. If this is your first tank, start with a few community fish. A 30 gallon tank is a good size, easy to maintain, and large enough to enjoy many different fish. I started out with 2 - 30 gallon tanks, I've kept one tank with all different types of tetras (bleeding heart, glo-lite, neon, serpae, headlight/taillight, etc.) for over 20 years. Good luck.

Can betta fish live with other betta fish?

Yes. As long as there are no two males living with each other. Siamese fighters do get aggressive when breeding but other than that they are a tolerant species that should not be kept with more boisterous tank mates.Yes they can but there are a lot of conditions to consider when keeping a Betta in a community setting.1. The Betta should be the LAST fish introduced, if it's in the tank first it will view any new additions as invaders to his territory, this is where most people make the mistake buying "friends" for their Betta!2. The tank must be over 10-15 US gallons for any fish to be kept with a Betta, any tanks smaller than that are not suitable for other fish species.3. The fish must be mid-bottom dwelling only (such as Corydoras), not too active (so nothing like Danios), not very colourful (no Guppies!), not be fin nippers (no Serpae Tetras or Tiger Barbs etc), not be territorial or aggressive (no Cichlids or Gouramis) and not be bite-sized (like micro-Rasboras/Ember Tetras)! Remember you MUST meet the needs of the other fish species too!4. The tank must be filtered and heated, there must not be a strong current and there must be tall plants for the Betta to hide in.5. A tank of 20 gallons or more is ideal for a Betta in a community. Fish such as Corydoras or Rummynose Tetras would work in a tank around that size or larger.

Can you put a betta with a different kind of fish?

no. the male betta will attack every fish it sees. and its to bad because the bettas are the most beautiful fish, and it would be nice to set up a tank of just bettas. but the true answer is no. but yes to a female betta. you can put female bettas with other fish. and sometimes you can put male bettas and female betas together. (i was assuming you were asking about the male betta)