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Bettas are egglayers, not livebearers. If she is distended in the belly this means she is full of eggs and ready to breed. You should set up a breeding tank and start conditioning the bettas to spawn. Some females will lay their eggs, male or no male, to get rid of them. Others will become eggbound if not given a chance to spawn. This can be fatal. If she is 'pregnant' you should go ahead and mate her.

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Q: I just got a female betta fish from the pet store today we were going to mate her but we just found out she was pregnant what should we do?
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Where are siemese fighting fishs eggs found?

Betta eggs develop in the cluster of floating bubbles the male makes at the surface of the water. Before that, they're in the female...

Are Betta fish from china?

yes, currently most of all the betta fish come from china. they are found in little ponds with other betta's.

How do you get a male betta to accept a female betta?

well... i think i have gotten my male to except two other females by putting them in a bigger tank. ( i have 5 gal. tank) or i think i had gotten the male to except a female by putting them in a smaller devider tank (half gallon) if your asking about breeding them... i havent found out how to do that either. heh heh

Are betta fishes eggs clear?

No Betta fishes eggs are a pale cream colour and can be seen in the nest once the male and female have finished spawning. They can also be seen shortly after the male embraces the female as she releases them for him to collect. for a first time breeder i found them hard to spot my self at first as they can blend in very well with all the bubbles!

Betta fish 2 years old maybe overfed his stomach swelled and then a white spot appeared in his side he won't eat much and sinks to the bottom a lot and is not making his bubbles what do I do?

I think your betta fish is a female. I'm assuming that it is pregnant because female betta fish have a white spot on their stomach if they're pregnant. If you have another male fish, [ but he has to be ready to mate. You can tell if he is ready if he is creating a bubble nest.] try putting them together. Before you do that, try looking for infos on them first [just in case]. I don't want things to go wrong because I might've told you the wrong things. I'm just a child that happens to take care of 2 betta fish and doesn't know about them much.. I'm not a professional of betta fish, but I found these information on the internet. I have two betta fish myself, and one lost its color.I wanted to look more info on betta fish, and learn how to take care of them better. Eventually, I learned many new things about them. Maybe you can learn more about betta fish since you are taking care of one. It's just a suggestion, but I tried looking them up on the comp and it helped me a lot. I just wanted to let you know what i have experienced. ^^ I can give you a site that tells you a lot of info about betta fish. I got most of my info about them in this site: If you want to learn more about betta fish, then just go on google, and search about them. I hope this helped and hope that your betta fish is alright.^^~!

Does a betta fish live in rivers?

Betta fish was first found in the rivers of Thailand.They are basically river water fish.......

You smoke and drink and you just found out you were pregnant what should you do?

Stop drinking. Your baby can have severe disabilities if you drink while pregnant.

How long do crowntail beta's live?

Betta fish have been found to live for up to three years in the right conditions, but few in home aquariums will live anywhere near this long. You may have heard Betta fish referred to as "Siamese Fighting Fish." This is because male Betta are extremely aggressive towards one another and will fight. They have been known to flare up upon seeing their own reflections so as to intimidate what they perceive as another Betta. Female Betta fish are not quite that aggressive towards each other, though it is recommended that there be many hiding places inside a tank if several female Betta fish are to be kept together. Keeping two male Betta fish together will almost certainly result in one dying, so if you plan on buying one or however many, you will need a big fish aquarium. I found this information on a website, but I have forgotten the website name. My apologizes. But I hope this answer gives you the info you need.

Where are most betta fish found?

In China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

What wrist should a female wear a watch?

OKay I found out, it is left wrist

If you ave both a male and female hamster living in a cage.what do you do when your hamster is pregnant?

i found take once my female hamster was around four week pregant they started to fight you don't need to do anything for the female but don't disturb her nest.